A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Community Artist

Ged reporting for illustrating duty

Post 1


Hi do you still need some artists?

I'd be happy to do some pictures/smileys for the guide smiley - smileysmiley - artist

My researcher number is: U212802

Ged reporting for illustrating duty

Post 2

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Hi Ged,

We're always looking for new artists.

We usually ask people to take a test, just to get used to doing things to order. If you'd like to take up the challenge, we've got two entries from our Edited Guide:

A680104 - The Concrete Cows of Milton Keynes

A970896 - Uluru (aka Ayers Rock) - Northern Territory, Australia

Edited Guide graphics should be no bigger than 200 pixels wide and no bigger than 20k.

Let us know when you've done them and we'll talk about how to get them to us smiley - smiley

Thanks again for stepping forward!


Ged reporting for illustrating duty

Post 3


Okay i'll give them a go smiley - smiley

hmmm... concrete cows smiley - biggrinsmiley - artist

Ged reporting for illustrating duty

Post 4


Okay they're done

How do i get them to you?

Ged reporting for illustrating duty

Post 5

Smij - Formerly Jimster

If you have your own webspace, you can post them up there and then post a link here. Alternatively, email us at h2g2team AT bbc.co.uk (which I've phrased to reduce the chance of our email inbox being spammed).

Looking forward to seeing them - well done!

Ged reporting for illustrating duty

Post 6


Okay heres the links

The Milton Keynes Concrete Cows:


Ayres Rock:


I think i've got the sizing right

Ged reporting for illustrating duty

Post 7

Smij - Formerly Jimster

The Concrete Cows graphic raised a smile in the office here, while Ayres Rock caused a few impressed gasps.

Which, in our world, means you're in!

I'll drop you a line later this afternoon to sort out getting you onto our Yahoo mailing list, but for now thanks very much for stepping forward, and I hope you enjoy being our latest Community Artist!


Ged reporting for illustrating duty

Post 8


Cool smiley - magicsmiley - magicsmiley - magic

Ged reporting for illustrating duty

Post 9


smiley - erm bump smiley - injured

Ged reporting for illustrating duty

Post 10

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Did you not get the email I sent that day?

I'll send it again. Make sure the email you have in your preferences is still active though (but don't post it here!) smiley - smiley


Ged reporting for illustrating duty

Post 11


ahh it went to my old email

i've found it and joined up (i think)

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