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Does h2g2 need a photographer

Post 1


Can't draw to save my life, but I've been a pro-photographer for the last 6 years and would be happy to donate some camera time to the guide.

Does h2g2 need a photographer

Post 2

Smij - Formerly Jimster

We've always hoped to be able to open a photography scheme, but we've not been able to yet. Would you like us to keep you in mind should we be able to get a scheme going in the future?

Does h2g2 need a photographer

Post 3


From DaemonSpyder.

Photography is my profession so it's not like I'm gonna stop taking pictures.
Keep me posted.

Does h2g2 need a photographer

Post 4

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

What sort of photography do you do? Fine art, news, weddings, travel?... And with what equipment?

I do some photography for a living, too. smiley - smiley

smiley - artist

Does h2g2 need a photographer

Post 5


I'm a freelancer, so I turn my hand to most things, including the occational wedding.
I do a fair amount of work for the Newham Education Authority, which is mostly event/news stuff but I also do a lot of 'product' shoots for catalogues and pictorials for a number of American and German magazines.
On the personnal side I do some fineart work and nature photography.
Part of the reason I offered my services is that I have a large stock of photos and plenty of chances to take extra shots for the Guide.
Equipment-wise I have quiet a range including:
Studio, with backdrops, Bowens lights and wind machine.
Cameras Fuji S602, S7000 and S2. Nikon F70, D70, D2x.
Lense range from 18mm to 750mm.
BTW. I've got together with 4 other photographers to start a stock agency, should be launching in approx 8 weeks, I can let you know when it does if you like.

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