A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Community Artist

darksapphire - Please let me be a comunity artist

Post 1


I am a budding computer artist working with a flsh drive in one hand and a mouse in the other. Using a hybrid win 98/XP computer setup by my dad using networking fromthe 98 half and the processer from the XP, it is realy two computers sharing one user at one time. I create mock-oil painting images as a hobby and I like doing andy warholes as well but I moonlighted as an animation artist for a freind and now he payes me £2.00 a week for a new and improved character for his power point movie. I also run www.olivia-in-poland.co.uk website. Soo please let me be a comunity artist?

darksapphire - Please let me be a comunity artist

Post 2

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Sorry to keep you waiting - we're in aother recruitment drive now - are you still interested? smiley - smiley

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darksapphire - Please let me be a comunity artist

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