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Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 261


What if he's achieved Nirvana?

What if Karma has returned him to us in another form?

What if his mission was incomplete and we just carry on where we left off?

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 262


Umm, well, perhaps we could have a new game to discover the answer to all these weighty questions?

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 263


I like your thinking....yeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrssss smiley - biggrin

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 264


Ok - I will start it on my space smiley - smiley

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 265


You can find further adventure os Colin the Monk, ready to start, in my space, cunningly hidden as the latest con.. This is due to my recent illness and rapidly approaching senility, according to my other & better half, the delectable 'M'

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 266


He's just told me, I'M the delectable 'M' -he's the barely recovered OOV. This wine is great, OOV, pour me another, will you?

We're having a party up here in Pictland - OOV has recovered, which is probably why I'm plastered!

smiley - redwine

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 267


A new adventure has been started on my space - it's called Cheddar Gorge V - Life after Death. I know I know it should be VII but I got VI mixed up with IV!

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 268


you all make life very hard for simpletons... i certainly cannot find colin the monk...

really perhaps it is sufficient for me to say that anyone named colin does not wish to grace this earth again under this name...

on reflection i think hazel did well to release him from this particular bond...

do i take it he is well buried? or given up to the falcons.. or burned or whatever...

smiley - dragon

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 269


Such is the wonder of the cosmos DDT, that Colin is currently being resurected on 2 separate threads - "Life After Death" on mine, and "Colin?? the Monk II" on Seannachie's!

smiley - angel

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 270


so which one are we going with, then?

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 271


Go with both! It's only an alternative universe, after all.

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