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Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 201


[Omigawd - where are we? .....

The gates are 10 feet, 8 inches thick at their most narrow point; however, they slim down when viewed objectively by Colin, the monk, who squints when March arrives without a hint of ethereal sounding, yet with inaudible fizzing fireworks which, when lambs eat oats, remind him that his name is not Colin, but Kitao Shigemasa, a name which conveys the merest suggestion of mixed metaphorical, yet literal double-jointedness which, when alliterated, makes muscles alarmingly rampant with tattoos which defied monkly decorum in that they reflect the pulchritudinous assets of Ou Meirou, the purveyor of personal services to the less than satisfactory, but still not quite wretched, putrid elements of the above mentioned unholy members of the important monastical order which has lately purchased rather an attractive furry mauve and surprisingly coppery Art-Nouveau piece of hand-crafted and immaculately detailed, yet somehow inaccurate, yet possibly dubious and deceptive in perspective and proportion as well as being everso slightly rude if somewhat strangely dull yet it sometimes seems like Colin should be be returning his Blockbuster videos before the bailiffs show him their very deformed and incredibly bizarre looking incidental, psychedelically fringed and sequined yet grubby knuckledusters with pretty knife marks etched, which spelled Colin, in the archaic, yet surprisingly moderne lettering in a script that shines with surprisingly sparkly and colourful hues that signify such sumptuous splendours as Madonna's only (occasionally) yogic technique allow, prior to the obvious display of unashamed and downright outrageous causing unrest which , alas, never quite managed to completely undermine the slightly off-putting boyish ....]

, un-monkish

[Hi, y'all. It's a lovely sunny, but windy day up in Pictland. What's it like down there in Olde England - or wherever you may be?]

smiley - redwine

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 202




[hi,OOV, weather in Reading has been totally cloud-free all day - mild, almost warm - no wind - singing birds - it's almost good to be alive!]

smiley - stout


Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 203


, in a style

[Hi, Peter, it's 'M' - hope that averts the wrath of the Mods!

OOV is still sulking after Ireland's defeat / debacle in the Grand Slam. We're a two hound house now - we're guesting Cabal's lady friend, 'cos her folks are off in Cornwall for their wed.ani. she's half Cabal's age - near enough the same size and steely gray, hence her name, Gormliath. Nice to have another female in the house!]

smiley - bubbly


Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 204



Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 205



Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 206



Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 207


yet somehow

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 208


distictly reminiscent

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 209



Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 210


the art deco

[BTW how was NJ? Last time I was there, it was cold, rainy & damp, Much like Scotland, bu twith more ... infrastructure, I suppose.]

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 211



(NJ was fine, except rain on first and last day, 70F all the way besides - now Niagara Falls and Toronto...THAT was like Scotland smiley - winkeye )

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 212



[True - I was downstate, practically New York, in winter, too, but that's the Milit for you!

I never did get up to NY seriously north, Fort Ticonderoga, where our rifle regiments first saw service.

Will do that, someday, tho', presidents & PMs permitting.]

smiley - stout

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 213



(I was staying with friends only half hour drive from Philly airport just inside Jersey and I still can't believe we drove all the way to Canada!!! smiley - biggrin

It was good, though doing all that in a week it was pretty much a blur)

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 214


in a way

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 215



Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 216


defied all

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 217

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!


smiley - fairy

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 218



Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 219


to clarify

Cheddar Gorge VI: The Return of the Monk

Post 220



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