This is the Message Centre for Hypatia

Play Ball!

Post 1


I'm off to St.Louis to watch the Cardinals and take in some museums and the botanical garden. I'll be back Friday with a report.

WooHoo! It's going to be fun.

Play Ball!

Post 2


Have fun. smiley - hug

*Looking forward to report*.

Play Ball!

Post 3


Go Cards!

*Looking forward to dinner* smiley - winkeye

Have a safe drive and, just so you're not surprised when you get here, it's *frigging hot*!!

Play Ball!

Post 4


Hi Hypatia,

I expect that you watching "ball"" is like me watching rugby!!

Are you going to watch the Olympic Games.? I am going to have a very difficult time keeping to any sort of schedule during this period.

Keep well,

Christiane AR80

Play Ball!

Post 5

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

*Just looks*

Hi tinker, go and have a giggle smiley - smileysmiley - bubbly

Play Ball!

Post 6

Skankyrich [?]

I know how you feel, Hyp. I'm off to Lord's in a few hours. Probably means nothing to you, but I'm tremendously excited about watching a few blokes chucking a ball around as well smiley - biggrin

Play Ball!

Post 7


Enjoy yourselves both. I'll admit that Lord's would hold more attraction to me than St Louis baseball stadium. Mind you, I'm just down the road from Headingley Stadium and haven't got round to watching cricket there yet.

Play Ball!

Post 8


I'll be taking in some baseball myself next month. Having a birthday trip to New York, will head to Shea for the Mets, as the yankees are on the road

Play Ball!

Post 9


The Mets aren't half bad.

The Cardinals, though....

Play Ball!

Post 10


I just went to a minor league game last night. It's not a bad way to spend a night. Maybe not as much fun as a major league game, but it's sure less expensive.

Play Ball!

Post 11


*creeps in in ignorance*

It's like rounders, isn't it?

smiley - run

Play Ball!

Post 12


Well Stankyrich that is something we have in common - apart from both loving Cornwall - that is cricket.

When I was a young bride I used to spend every Sunday(when there was a home match) with some of the other cricketing wives preparing a sumptuous lunch for the team visiting our husbands home team.
:ater I started watching Test cricket and met many of the visiting Australian and English cricketers through my brothers who were also very good cricketers,
When I came to England - well if there was a match on I would go to Lords.actually and also Wimbledon if the timing was right! Oh and Chelsea - if the timing was right!!) I can still remember the excitement I felt as I sat down in the ground of LORDS to watch either Australia or South Africa playing against England.

I had met Richie Benaud and Neil Harvey on their first tour of South
Africa. In fact half of the Austrlian team had come out to my parents farm and we had had a huge BBQ.

Richie was always very kind and came and chatted to me.

Ah!! those were the days - what wonderful memories.

Christiane AlsoRan80

Play Ball!

Post 13


Oh, smiley - envy You luck thing, Christiane...

Play Ball!

Post 14


Good luck my dear. You may conceivably also meet them. Give them my smiley - love if you do. Mind you they are all as old as me now!!. I do not remember that |I ever met any NZ cicketers- I think they were all climbing mountains.!! at the time.

Good luck with your packing.

wishing you well, and don't let us loose touch.


Play Ball!

Post 15


You naughty girl!!

It is - but one does not say so !!


Play Ball!

Post 16

Skankyrich [?]

Lovely, Christiane smiley - biggrin

Though I will say I have no strong feelings for Cornwall. I prefer Dorset smiley - smiley

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