A Conversation for POETRY

Saving Scroll Time III

Post 181


tell me more. how about a bottle of russian vodke to temp. oh yeah this girk knows how to get the party started.

Saving Scroll Time III

Post 182


visit my front page sometime, it will make my secret weapon clear to you.
as for the drink, don't mind if i do, thank-you. smiley - smiley

Saving Scroll Time III

Post 183


no problem, but i gotta go at the mo', the pub beckons, mail me [email protected], thanx.

monty python

Post 184


Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah (that was for caleb)

monty python

Post 185


why nymphg i do believe you are right about knowing how to get the party started so, let's party on why don't we?! smiley - smiley

monty python

Post 186


Oh, gee, thank you. I don't get it.

monty python

Post 187


as i am full of the old vodka now, i am in a good position to talk about it. the best ways for us to enjoy it is in jelly. beside a beach fire with a nice J and a good group of people. how does that shound?smiley - smiley

monty python

Post 188


Get what, caleb? I don't get it either!smiley - smiley

Monshari insists I not ignore you nympha (or is that nymphg? can't tell on the screen)

So hello....and would you like to know what fire really is? Did you know, that depending on it's grains' shape, some beach sand has been known to make sounds similar to singing?.......Now wouldn't that make for a he** of a beach party!!!!smiley - smiley

monty python

Post 189


nymphg, i am SO SORRY for telling fairly strange to not ignore you, i did not mean for him to try and capture you with his vine of education. all i wanted was for him to say hello to you. had i known what dasterdly plan he had in mind i would not of brought you to his attention. as for the vodka, jelly and beach with a bonfire, if you will still have me after this terrible error on my part i would be honored to partake of the festivities. oh, and of course i will bring VODKA!!!!

singing sand

Post 190


monshari the party shall commense. we'll have to go wood collecting (or we could send fairly strange as he must know the best types of wood to burn and the best places to get it.... and its a really boring job that i'd rather not do smiley - smiley )

the vodka jelly is setting in the fridge and i have found a new drink called jaffa cakes. its tia maria and orange juice. sounds gross but goes down fine. have a taste..not as good as your filled fishes but not bad smiley - fish

singing sand

Post 191


jaffa cakes
why yes nymphg, i do believe you are right, we will send fairly strange to collect the wood, never know we might get lucky and he will be eaten by one of looneytunes creatures on the way! smiley - winkeye
as for the jaffa cakes, don't mind if i do. always have been open to new tastes and i must say i am quite curious as to these drinks of yours. smiley - smiley

singing sand

Post 192


Oh, no! She's turning British!!!

singing sand

Post 193


definetly not British. much mmore Irish and thats something to be proud of smiley - smiley

singing sand

Post 194


YOU DON't Get it? its from the Monty Python movie LIFE OF BRIAN. I thought it might lighten the mood in the forum, with monshari and you getting a bit wacky and all. I thought you were a Monty fan, guess i was wrong.

singing sand

Post 195


kat, I am a fan. sorry hadnt realised. whacky is fun. life is far to serious. dont you agree? wanna join our party? maybe you could bring the table? smiley - smiley

singing sand

Post 196


we could just stack a bunch of telephone books and use them for a table.

singing sand

Post 197


yeah but that means that i have to lug a bunch of phone books to the beach and i dont really live that close smiley - smiley

singing sand

Post 198


i could bring some couches so that we could have a rousing game of Floor Jumping

singing sand

Post 199


HTML dosen't work in fourm postings...just an aside...

singing sand

Post 200


I'm afraiad you'll have to care for your own couches here. I'm quite too busy with the couches on the softball team to be bothered with that in this forum!smiley - smiley Besides, looks like they've already volunteered me for firewood duty here, and such an important job cannot be trusted to just anyone. ( is there any oak or hickory 'round these parts? They ARE the best to use, don't you know!?)

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