A Conversation for POETRY

universal invitations

Post 221


Ahhhhh! But I already KNOW the secret.....and I'm not telling!smiley - winkeye

universal invitations

Post 222


he's not stalking me, he is just caught under my spell and has no choice but to follow where i lead smiley - winkeye

universal invitations

Post 223


Well, hello monshari! Strange meeting you here!(Wheres' the boss?)

Spell? What spell?.....Do you have my leash, or can I run free today?

Be careful madmunk......she's truly dangerous!!!!!smiley - smiley

universal invitations

Post 224

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

she needs a big stop sign on her user page

universal invitations

Post 225


just what exactly are you implying Swiv???? smiley - smiley

universal invitations

Post 226

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

stop, look, listen

unless you want to lose your freedom of forums

universal invitations

Post 227

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

actually I don't know

universal invitations

Post 228


My God! I go for two weeks - and look what happens! The whole thing goes spiraling out of control!

universal invitations

Post 229


welcome back caleb! smiley - smiley
nice to see you again. what do you mean spireling out of control, i thougth it was normal myself smiley - winkeye

universal invitations

Post 230


From what I have observed so far, 2 weeks would be a long time to expect anything around here to stay IN control!!!smiley - smiley We LIVE for "subject drift"!

universal invitations

Post 231

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

i thought we just lived

and as for subjects - what are they?

universal invitations

Post 232


I have no idea...the word just popped into my mind.

universal invitations

Post 233

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

ah well pop it back out again - or go sign up for the field critique thingummy that Zachsmind and Vegiman have come up with

Subject drift....

Post 234


Does anyone have any idea what this forum was for?....I didn't think so!smiley - smiley

Subject drift....

Post 235

Ginger The Feisty

Yes, it was Doug congratualting me on getting the thingy to work then it got hijacked!

Subject drift....

Post 236

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

yeah but it took a long time to get hijacked - someone had to break the tete-a-tete

You did it!

Post 237


I know I'm extremely late coming into this thread, but hey... I wouldn't have known about you at all if it hadn't been for the fun run. smiley - winkeye

Anyway... Did you recycle your "My Poem" page, rename it, or am I just blind? smiley - sadface

Subject drift....

Post 238


I...I'm..sorry!!! I didn't mean to! Honestly! It was an accident! The Mega-Warp Time-Space Inverter Generation V screwed up the works!!!!! I'm SO sorry!!! It won't happen again!

Subject drift....

Post 239


Hmmm... I'm tempted to suggest this thread for the Ghost Story thing for Halloween. smiley - winkeye


Post 240


Hmmmmm...... coming back from the dead.......it might work , at that!smiley - winkeye


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