A Conversation for POETRY

You have culture!

Post 161


nevermind then, if i have to explain it then it is lost smiley - smiley

You have culture!

Post 162


Why on EARTH would I want to get him?

You have culture!

Post 163


Yeah, monshari, what did I ever do to caleb to make him want to "get me"? I mean, I'm just just sitting here, minding my own business and you're trying to get me in trouble! You should be ASHAMED! And here I thought you were my friend................You are my friend, are'nt you?(you know, I don't have many now. Billy bob got a computer! He's such a blabbermouth!)smiley - smiley

You have culture!

Post 164


Yeah! You should be really ASHAMED!!!!! It was only a joke!

You have culture!

Post 165


Yeah. So there!smiley - tongueout

You have culture!

Post 166


Just a joke!!!! C'mon!!!!!! People, work with me, work with me!

You have culture!

Post 167


WAIT A MINUTE smiley - smiley, i feel as if i am in the midst of a mob gathering that consists of only two people ( one of which i might add needs to remember that he has to go to sleep sometime smiley - winkeye ).
looks like i may have to go get my troups from down the hall to protect me. smiley - smiley

You have culture!

Post 168


BEAT HER UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have culture!

Post 169


and monshari wonders..........what HAS she gotten into the middle of?! and should she back out slowly or stay and tickle them both smiley - winkeye

Saving Scroll Time III

Post 170



Saving Scroll Time III

Post 171


Should I sleep with one eye open tonight?

Saving Scroll Time III

Post 172


oh yes fairly strange definitly for it seems that caleb has cornered me and left me no where to run. mmmmmmmmmmm............maybe i can bribe him with a chocolate fishy filled with vodka. smiley - winkeye

Saving Scroll Time III

Post 173


Yes....yes indeed!

Saving Scroll Time III

Post 174


haha, how's that fairly strange!!??, caleb has a week spot and i seem to of found it. i will be successful afterall in my quest to keep at least some of my forums from turning into educational pages! smiley - winkeye
i mean come now, i can't have them all turned now can i? victory will be mine! smiley - winkeye

Saving Scroll Time III

Post 175


No, no you vicious, evil monster! Back! Back!

Saving Scroll Time III

Post 176


I must find Madmunk and get him over here! One quick HTML question to him and the vicious monster shall be vanquished forever!!!!!smiley - smiley

Saving Scroll Time III

Post 177


where would the fun be in that? keep monshari on, she keeps us filled with vodka. that cant all be bad. but i still think that we should host that vodka jelly party monshari. here's some more people to join in. they can bring the dips. actually, make that the chips and kegs!!!

Saving Scroll Time III

Post 178



Saving Scroll Time III

Post 179


they dont call me nymph for nothing. dont even try to resist.

Saving Scroll Time III

Post 180


aaaaaaaggggggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!, HELP!!!!!!!!!!, i need my secret weapon!!!!!! smiley - smiley

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