A Conversation for Swords of Power - The Moorcock Collection


Post 1

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Requests for the loan of Stormbringer can be posted here.


Post 2


In which manifestation?

Deep Purple - "Stormbringer"

Blue Öyster Cult - "Black Blade"

Hawkwind - "Chronicles of the Black Sword"


Post 3


There is also the evil and mind-warping power of the Black Jewel (the incarnation of the Black Sword in the Runestaff trilogy)
and of course the deadly and evil Needle Gun (the Black Sword as manifest to Jerry Cornelius, not a million miles away from Stormbringer's manifestation as *millions* of swords at one point in the Elric chronicles ).


Post 4

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

It's a weapon shop ..... I have it in all it's manifestations and at quite reasonable prices too.

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