A Conversation for Swords of Power - The Moorcock Collection


Post 1

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Requests for the loan of Mournebalde can be posted here.


Post 2


Correect me if I'm wrong, but after the combat between the two Black Blades in the Pulsing Chamber, wasn't Mournblade taken out of circulation by ceasing to manifest as a sword? If memory serves me right, as the complement to Stormbringer and its necessary other half, Mournblade, having proved less powerful in a test of swords, becomes the scabbard to Stormbringer, ther Yin to its Yang, female to its male.

Thus the two integral halves of the Black Sword support and nurture each other as sword and scabbard.

(Ye Gods, the whole Pulsing Cavern sequence is incredibly Freudian - what sort of issues did Moorcock have about women while he was writing this?)

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