Swords of Power - The Moorcock Collection

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Sword of the Dawn

Two swords

Wielded by Hawkmoon, this Sword will only break when the Universe ends. Nothing can prevent the sword (even the Lord's of Chaos and Law) from returning to it's wielder's hand.

The Sword of the Dawn gives the wielder command over the mighty Legion of the Dawn with it's seemingly inexhaustable supply of warriors. Should your foes manage to kill a Dawn Warrior another will appear to take his place.


Two swords

Stormbringer was wielded by Elric of Melnibone and is a semi-sentient sword (possibly a demon). Stormbringer is also known as "the stealer of souls" from it's ability to suck the very soul out of it's victims which is used to sustain both the sword and it's wielder.

One of the "Rune Blades" or "Black Blades", Stormbringer was originally crafted from an iron meteorite and was wielded by the Emperors of Melnibone. These blades were eventually handed back to the Gods when they became too powerful to control.

The blood lust of Stormbringer once invoked is not so easily abated and will pass this passion for violence to the wielder. There are many examples of persons being killed by the black blades against the will of their wielders. Over time Stormbringer has developed a taste for friend and foe alike

They have the ability to give the wielder unparalleled strength but are also semi-sentient and require regular feeding to appease them. This feeding is in the form of souls taken during battle. Many normally courageous foes will be deterred by these fearsome blades as their souls are sent straight to hell for eternity.

If used extensively Stormbringer will drive the wielder into doing evil deeds and to increase their dependence upon it so that they ultimately becomes completely dependent upon the blade. As a consequence both Stormbringer and Mourneblade are only offered on short-term hires.


Two swords

Mourneblade is the twin to Stormbringer and posesses identical abilities.

Mourneblade was eventually broken in combat by Stormbringer and is offered at a slightly cheaper rate than Stormbringer.

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