A Conversation for Swords of Power - The Moorcock Collection

Sword of the Dawn

Post 1

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Requests for the loan of the Sword of the Dawn can be posted here.

Sword of the Dawn

Post 2

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*a trans-thread rift opens up into the Collection and a wounded Hero staggers in from F107600?thread=423849&latest=1 *

Thats all I need bested by a few lizards and a cartoon character smiley - cross

I need something serious to counter this ....... no more Mr Nice Guy for me !

*checks out the Sword of the Dawn, performs some emergency repairs on his armour from supplies in the collection and prepares to re-enter the fray*

Sword of the Dawn

Post 3


Is there an option on the Legion of the Dawn too, or do they come as standard?

Sword of the Dawn

Post 4

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

All in the same value for money bundle sir .... one is inescapably linked to the other.

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