This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

Attention all old users of LD

Post 1


This is the new site for those who loved LD hope you all enjoy it and find the people and friends you've all lost over the years smiley - smiley
click on this
[Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]

Attention all old users of LD

Post 2


hi Hilary, you need to change the , for . after www

Attention all old users of LD

Post 3


Out of interest, what's LD?!

Looked at website but still doesn't make any sense to me!! smiley - erm

L x smiley - rose

Attention all old users of LD

Post 4


Hi lucky

its a web site i use to be on years ago it was called leisure district and one day they closed it down and a friend sent me the link to get on h2g2 and ever since we old ld'ers ended up on this site and when a very good friend decided to make her own version of LD it was wonderful to hear and now i have found people i have lost as friends and i wanted all my old friends to know where they can find there lost friendssmiley - smiley

Its a good site i've found who i was looking for and i am glad i found the site again.

Hi sim
yes i know i should of typed it with three www. but i did the whole web address as it was given to me from a very good friend.

Attention all old users of LD

Post 5


Attention all old users of LD

Post 6

Sapna- Melt hearts NOT ice caps <3

um is it spammingsmiley - erm

Attention all old users of LD

Post 7


What you on about rcc who spamming i am not spamming people can use web addresses ect on here so longs they don't use url advertssmiley - ok

Attention all old users of LD

Post 8


the link does not seem to be working, strange since it did this morning....and your not spamming

Attention all old users of LD

Post 9

Sapna- Melt hearts NOT ice caps <3


Attention all old users of LD

Post 10


Hi sim
It works perfectly fine for me when i click on it smiley - smiley thanks for telling rcc i wasn't spamming anyway heard owt from mr frog yet as i aint seen him aroundsmiley - biggrin

Attention all old users of LD

Post 11

Sapna- Melt hearts NOT ice caps <3


Attention all old users of LD

Post 12


You smiley - laughing at sim ? are you rcc he funny isn't he a good person as wellsmiley - winkeye

Attention all old users of LD

Post 13


BF is either deep in his warren or maybe preparing for the spawning season in a pond somewheresmiley - biggrin

Just tried the link, it's working now, blinky Safari didn't like it before

Attention all old users of LD

Post 14

Sapna- Melt hearts NOT ice caps <3

um your post got moderated

Attention all old users of LD

Post 15

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"And having the first posting removed for whatever reason (There was nothing wrong with it) is abusing the complaint system.

If observed isolation the posting can be seen as a dead link (unfortunate but not against the house rules), repeating the corrected link is only a service as Researchers do research. "

Attention all old users of LD

Post 16


Who had my journal yikesed? I agree with Time there was nothing wrong with it at all i amsmiley - cross that people would have it removed.

Time why was it removed for as it wasn't faulty as it was ok as i used preview message before posting itsmiley - erm

Attention all old users of LD

Post 17

Sapna- Melt hearts NOT ice caps <3


Attention all old users of LD

Post 18



why did you get my post smiley - yikes?

as i was not spamming at all and you can ask anyone on here people who add url to there journals and personal space dose not mean they are spamming on here.

I am rathersmiley - cross about it.

Attention all old users of LD

Post 19

Sapna- Melt hearts NOT ice caps <3

i did not yikes it

Attention all old users of LD

Post 20


smiley - sorry It must been someone else then.

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