This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

Attention all old users of LD

Post 21

Sapna- Melt hearts NOT ice caps <3

never say thing that you don't know about

Attention all old users of LD

Post 22


smiley - erm rcc

what do you mean?

Attention all old users of LD

Post 23

Sapna- Melt hearts NOT ice caps <3

don't judge people by what they say

like i said is'nt that spamming

and then later your post got yiked and the suspision cam on me when i did'nt do it

Attention all old users of LD

Post 24


smiley - ok oh right

best smiley - run rcc somebody left larry's(((smiley - monster)))
cage open and he's running riot around the site
smiley - rofl

Attention all old users of LD

Post 25

Sapna- Melt hearts NOT ice caps <3

who is larry

Attention all old users of LD

Post 26


Larry is my onlinesmiley - monster he has escaped from his cage alot over the years and gone riot over the place.

your not scared of smiley - monsters are you as my brothers are monsters at times too and my lot aresmiley - laughs

Attention all old users of LD

Post 27


It's back smiley - wow

Attention all old users of LD

Post 28


Just to warn you all there's a nasty pc virus called trojan in the wires as it's took us hours to fix we had to reset our pc just been on your guard just incase.

Attention all old users of LD

Post 29


sorry to hear that, get a MAC less likely to have a problemsmiley - cool

Attention all old users of LD

Post 30


Hi simatra

It's ok i've bought a anti virus CD=rom to stop it at the moment i've had to install a freebie avg untill it arrives as i don't like go into town centre as they have all the roda works and you get stuck for hours in trafficsmiley - doh

Why would we get a mac ours is xp professional the best we did our tower ourselves we got the best software untill that bug trojan was spotted messing up all my email filessmiley - cross and our entire pc.

Hows you today? it's snowing outside and its marchsmiley - yikes

Attention all old users of LD

Post 31


The definition of a virus is a program that gets onto your computer and uses up disk space, memory, cpu cycles and your internet connection stopping you from doing anything worthwhile ~ which is exactly what anti virus software seems to do!!smiley - winkeye! Dump the AVS and sign up with a decent service provider that has a proper firewall that will do that work for you... well, if you want ~ you decide, your pc may be powerfull enough not to notice it!

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