Journal Entries
Posted Apr 27, 2009
Just stopped by to say Hello to all my old H2g2 friends i am now Facebook Addict love the site that much i am never off there
Hope you all are well if you are on facebook come and say Hi Just look up Hilary i am wearing a Blue top yes i am still a strong Evertonian .
What have you all been upto since i last came on h2g2? have you all had nice and happy times? I hope you all have.
Take care s
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Latest reply: Apr 27, 2009
*Merry Christmas*
Posted Dec 21, 2008
Hi Just Came to wish all my h2g2 friends a Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year
I am not on here much i am now addicted to Facebook and if you are on that site please look me up
you know my real name by now
I hope you all have a wonderful 2009 New Year
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Latest reply: Dec 21, 2008
What I've been upto since i last came on h2g2
Posted Feb 8, 2008
Hi everyone
I've been a very buisy woman, I've not been on in ages to see you all, I've had family related issues to sort out and my life has been one long haul.
I had fantastic christmas and new year 2008 my life has realy changed i turned 30 before christmas and i've been spending time with my brother and my family in wales, and spending time with andrew
Been going alot of places out and about as i call it buying endless bags and shoes to go with my collection i have over 200 pairs of boots and shoes now 300 s i love shopping
can't not go shopping without buying another style of this season,
My lady is nearly 7 can't believe thats flown over it seems only yesterday that she was my puppy.
I am realy go to find it hard this year without mum being here for mother's day the day she died is still a raw feeling inside my but i know she's an
in heaven looking, down on me and she always be with me it realy hard when people and family talk about her.... i could not of got over her death without the help and love and support from andrew and my brother edds and all my family in wales who gave me all the love and support i needed.
I am so proud of edds since move to Penn in wales he's a changed lad got himself a job and doing full time at Tech got himself some true mates too!
Another Valentines day is around the corner so here's my little gift of s and
s for all those special people out there HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ALL MY FRIENDS on h2g2 and facebook and all my old LD friends i hope you get plenty of
through your door
I've nearly finished just to let you all know i've missed your company and all the nice people on this site.
Thats it for now unless i decide to add more to this diary or journal later on in conversations................
It's good to be back with you all*Princess*of*Hearts*
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Latest reply: Feb 8, 2008
My Diary
Posted Jul 18, 2007
On the 13th june i lost my bestfriend that was my mum, she'd battled with advanced MS for 25 years and i am in total shock, I am so proud of mum battle with her illness for years not one complaint not one sorrow not even angry with anyone, my mum was very lovely woman who loved life loved her children and Husband and, is now a in Heaven with dad i hope.
I miss her every day i miss talking to her. i am numb from inside can't stop thinking about my mum it's if a part of me is missing,
so if i am off hand with anyone online please exscuse my behaviour as i am lost inside this big black cloud of greif and can't seem to get out as i've lost mum the person who gave me life and it's going to take time for me to get over this ok
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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2007
Me and my hair treatment
Posted Mar 16, 2007
Today had my hair done and i've had my roots re-done blonde and i've had 12 slices of dark red put in plus Hair exstentions added and i've had the full works and it cost me £150 and people are moaning i know Whats wrong with Treating my self i say life is to have fun and have as meny treats as possible and andy knows i love shopping and make my self look pretty
Ok £150 alot money i know but the products the salon uses are exspensive and my hairdresser is the best i won't have any other stylist touch my hair. Today i also donated £10 to Red nose day wich was included in the price of Todays Treat.
I bet some my friends on here love treating them selfs to exspensive
Things each month don't you even if you think the money being wasted
it not realy as your helping keeping people in jobs when you buy clothes ect.
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Latest reply: Mar 16, 2007
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