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Any Tips on Dog's

Post 1


Mysmiley - dogLady she In season at the moment Any Tips on how am i to stop her from Doing Her Wee, wee's on the lobby carpet i've tried everythink to stop her sent. andthe smell.
1) white pepper
2) bleach
3) vingar
4) salt
5) lemon juice
These have Not worked To stop her doing her no 1's and the after affects won't waft away I've thrown my carpet out
smiley - biggrin
any tips and idea would i be ever so greatful.
smiley - smiley

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 2


Hi Hilary

Go to Home and Bargain cos they have Pet Deodiriser, i got it when i had the cats in.
Well it worked for me anyway, try that to see if it works for you.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 3


lmao you could get a cork and plug
the hole lol
sorry could not resist saying that
hope i haven't offended anyone?

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 4


Hi Dad what are you like lol smiley - biggrin
Well you haven't offended me lol smiley - smiley

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 5


well thats cool then babe
it was just an off the top of my
head i didn't think it would offend anyone
but was not sure tho

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 6


Hiya Nat's
Yes I've tried that also I phoned the vets and asked them what sort of stuff they use and they said if i wanted the stuff they use then I'd have to pay £30 quid for it but thanks for your idea i will try it
Today I've pulled my loby tiles and carpet up and threw them away cos of my little smiley - dogLady.
how are you nat's i hope your ok
Someone named my uncle woke me up at 5am sleep walking and he pulled all my new kitchen tiles off the wall I've been all upset over it Men hey you can't live with them and you can'tsmiley - roflLive without themsmiley - doh

Hello Daddy
That was very funnysmiley - biggrinand how are you this afternoon I use to call my father daddy he in heaven with all the angels prob lauging his head off at me right now.

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 7


Hi Dad

Well i guess Hilary thought it was funny too lol smiley - smiley)
How you this fine cold and sunny day, hope all is wel with you and your little one.

Hi Hilary

It must be a shame to pull all your carpets up, i was lucky i never had to do that.
I am devasted about your uncle pulling up your tiles, now if that was mine i would make him pay for more.
I am not st so bad now considering, but i am still in pain everywhere.
It would be lovely to meet up with you one day, we could have a natter about what we got up to when we were little, aswell as other things.
Anyway the pair of you take care ok.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 8


My uncle has offer me to get me whole new kitchen new work tops everythink But why pay out that when i don't know weather i be staying in this place i only doing it up so the people will like it when i move to my new home when ever the estate agent has found me my Dream house My Father left me some money and Instead of spending it I gonner get a house of my own my Uncle said he go halfs and get me a palace lol
I said ok but i Don't take charity cos i like to buy my own things cos if i said yes then he treat me like i was 10 again gawdsmiley - laughDon't olds get on your case over thesmiley - sillyest thing
Yeah we shud meet up in the future and catch up cos your not far from me anyway My family call me a snob cos i want go to a area with no scally wags
in oh me uncle did give me some money i gonner ger a new carpet and Lino for with it
I'm smiley - sorryto hear your still got aches and pains what illness have you got?
My mother has M,S she can't walk can't even feeed herself she like baby all over again all cos that stupid illness M,S

Hiya Dad
smiley - rofl

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 9


Hi Hilary

I suffer with numerous of things hun, which stops me doing the the things i like doing. smiley - wah
I am going through the early menopause is one of them, aswell as ssciatica, aching joints which have been broken, and others that are to too many to name.
I hope that your dream house comes true for you hun, and so do i with mine lol smiley - biggrin
How are besides all the things that have been happening?
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 10


well i'm glad you both found
it funny it just had to be said,
me and aaron are fine thanx
how are you today

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 11


i'm fine babe a bit cold but i got my heating on full blast the only down
fall to it is that i have to go and pick aaron up from school at 3 think i mite take central heating with me lol
how are you today hunni

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 12


Hiya Dad smiley - smiley

I am fine now thank goodness, smiley - ta for asking smiley - biggrin
So Aaron is his name, what beautiful name, i use to have a friend on here the same name.
I don't know what became of him, he just seemed to have vanished.

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 13


thank's babe i thought it was
a nice name when i picked it and
he is a little charmer dont know where he
gets that from lol

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 14


HI Dadsmiley - biggrin

Hiya Nat's
I thought you only got the meno when you was old and grey and your still young dose that mean you can't hava children I've had alot problems I've a cysts on my left tube and i gotta waite 2 years for a Op to remove it and i want children very badly I've lost 4 children and i want to polulate my family with a lot little
Morgans running around lol
Can't you get that new drug thats in usa now that stops early Meno in young women I read some where that a woman at age 27 - 30 can have this tab and it revirses the Meno it worked on 2 actresses it is coming the uk in june 2004 you should ask yoursmiley - doctorover it and there this stuff me mum gets its called I bulieve its great for achess n pains
I rub my mums legs with it 4 times a day and she is out pain,

Dad arnt you saying hello to me today
smiley - wahlmao
You can't take the heating wiv you but a water bottle you can stick it down you jumper or kecks you will feel rather flushed thensmiley - rofl

Would anyone like asmiley - cupcakethere freshly made and just came out the oven ?

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 15


sorry babe hello didnt mean not
to say hello smiley - hug
yeah i guess i'm gonna have to freeze when i pick him up
lol if ya dont hear from me later it means
i'm still thawing lol

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 16


Hi Hilary

Yeah it does affect the older people aswell as me, the reason is on one of my threads.
smiley - sorry but you will have to find it hun, cos i don't want to smiley - cry again.
smiley - ta for the smiley - cupcake that was very niceice of you.
I have that at ibroleve but it doesn't work on me, even the traxam doesn't neither.
Thanx for your kind thoughts, it has cheered me up real good. smiley - biggrin
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 17


Gawd you men are can't say us womens name My name is Hilary and my female friend here is Nat

well wrap up warm don't want you young ones to get cold do we
put a vest on your not to yyoung to wear them My nutcase brother he 23 and he still wears vests lol
and my cousin harry he wears Long Johns smiley - laughs Out loud now that is
Stupid i wudn't be seen dead in them Thinguy me jigs.
You cud also wear extra socks
I hate this cold weather i shud of stayed in canada more warmer

I'm fine hon except for my many things going to crosby after to pick up a glass look a like table It's plastic but it looks like the real glass all tinted i saved and saved like made for my new furnture I've just got waite for DFS to bring out my new leather pink / cream cheasterfield suit 2 seater 3 seater foot stool mag rack n 1 queens chair
oh and I've got to pick up me curtains from the tailors they made me thick velvet cream / rose color tab top I've gone all posh see what i mean why my family call me a snob
I've got have what the jones have got
Next door have new stuff so i have to have them and i in a sort war with old claire next door can't wait see her face when i my cousins carry my new table in
what am i like

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 18


sorry not that good with name
it will take me awhile to remember
who's who
it dont matter what i wear out there
today i'l still freeze

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 19


Hey dad why don't you rub yourself in heat rub, or even the heat spray.
That would work, if nothing else will lol smiley - rofl

I see what you mean about your family calling you a snob lol smiley - biggrin
I would love to come and see it it it when it's all finished. smiley - smiley

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 20


yeah thats a good idea think i should
go get loads of it and keep spraying
myself while i'm at the shcool lol

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