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Any Tips on Dog's

Post 21


Daddysmiley - biggrin

Don't spray it down your kecks cos my idiot of a cousin used heat rub on his tackle instead of Sudcream once he was on fire oh it was so funny i wet meself smiley - laughing at him
He still gets the mick taken out of him he gets called Firey jack everytime he says have you any cream for my rash I say don't get allsmiley - steamthis time jack lol
smiley - rofl

i can't waite to finish this re-do of al my place its a nightmare at the mo I need new carpet for my liveng room i had them metal tiles and it's one them jobs where you need Hee-Man to pull them up some soft smiley - clowncousin in june put super glue the metal tiles down when you only needed to slot them in Gawd aint some men thick well i know my lot in my family are
smiley - rofl

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 22


oh that is so funny cos my mate
done that for a dare on one drunken night
i get my friends to do alot of stuff
see i'm an smiley - angel with smiley - devilish
streak lol

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 23


about your dog tho i having same prob
with my cat go to a asda and pick up a bottle of pro-logic it's wicked i cant smell anything once it's been cleaned and sprayed with it give it ago cos it'll ony
cost £2

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 24


Na you got a bit ofsmiley - jesterin you more like
Oh i go in my smiley - evilgrinfunny mood sumtime I'm suppose to be the comic of the family and I've got idiots of cousins going all hot down there kecks
My other cousin was getting a shower once and he used my Haird remover cream instead of shampoo He had no hair left it was falling out in clumps lmao and another Time my brother he came in one night and he drank cuder vingar he thought it was Apple juice Now that was realy smiley - roflcos i hate my little bro and i cud not stop laughing at him

Your no angel neither am i but the world wudn't be good without some smiley - devils roaming around

I was talking to a friend last night about weird ppl Not you or nats or any my friends
But i once had this guy send me a invite and say he was asmiley - ghostand he cud see me and come through the screen and another time this other guy said he was related to a alien
smiley - laughmy a off

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 25


now that is funny hair remover
i'l have to remember that one
yeah you do get wierd peeps on these places some times best to ignore them

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 26


Whhoooo smiley - ghost Whhooooo

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 27


I know what you mean there Daddy
about strange people but now you can't help butsmiley - laughat them can you realy

smiley - ghostBoo

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 28


Have you had any weird guys mesg you saying they wheresmiley - ghost and cud see through the screen or have you had any one related to a alien?

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 29


yes you gotta have a good laugh
at them first
i'l tell ya what you get any prob's now
let me know n i'l sort it out for you
i hate those wierd people

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 30


I've Not had any weirdo aliens orsmiley - ghosts on here a such yet but on ym2 you get about millions and millions of strange peeps acting the goat and they think your thick n you gonner say ok so your a smiley - ghostand they act silly
Honest to gawd Dad you get good ones and bad ones you get Fruitloops acting the total nut and you get smiley - geeks with no action just spots talking like fish
I've had few probs on here with my ex bf he comes on here when he feels like and starts world war 5 with me
friends you know someone who jealous of being left out sounds realy sad to me i just sit there and laugh n ignore them cos in the end they talking to them selfs plus if they carry on talking to them selfs the men In the White coats will come sooner or l8tr to fetch then
Daddy i'll try that idea out when i get a chance to shop at asda i go marks and sprks

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 31


I hate weired people too, cos they think that they can spook you.
I have had 2 people on here, that i have had trouble on here.
I don't want to mention any names, just incase they come back ak and start to hassle me again.

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 32


when i was getting all that trouble
on ld i had some1 tell me my home phone number and mobile and my address that was a bit spooky but he did not like it when
i asked him to come round and meet my baseball bat lol
all mouth and no action they are useless
not even worth the thought

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 33


yeah give it ago it does work

hey hey where's the party at then

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 34


You will just have to follow the music lol smiley - biggrin
I know what you mean about that, cos they are all talk and no action.

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 35


yeah think i can hear it now
lets go find it

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 36


You have already lol smiley - biggrin

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 37


i gotta go for awhile
be back soon n then it's all go to get the
party going
see you soon

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 38


Yeah I know what you both mean
I've n ex right he think he knew me but how can someone say they know you when they havent even met you I think ppl like that are strange

I know the feeling me same as you

The party aint started yet Just waite till after and you will see what i mean thye alien might come online or the smiley - ghostwho can see everyone throu his screen when they do let's all smiley - run

My family are realy hard but they act like goats most the time
I hate beingthe only girl on my dads side cos i got no one to talkk about fashion ect to its all Moa Moas I mean cars ect other stuff my mums side theres women but there all old Girls nowt fun about them talk nowt butsmiley - bunnyrubbish.


Any Tips on Dog's

Post 39


Hilary you are the only girl, well the is 3 of us, and i think that at they don't know me.
I am the black sheep of the family.

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 40


i know the feeling there i get treated like a Doormat but when the lads want favs i have to say no cos i do enough allready.

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