This is the Message Centre for *Princess*of*Hearts*

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 101

THE SCOOBIES (Giles) "Could it possibly get uglier, I used to be a highly respected watcher, now I'm a wounded dwarf with the my

nats some times i feel like the lost soul

the wayward spirit...which means all alone.....

i just want to be happy with my princess and have a happy life together just me and hilary

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 102


Hiya Jason, i have some too, and it's not very nice at all is it? smiley - blue

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 103


Where has everyone gone?

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 104


Dad will you give me away and if my brother strts will you remove him away from me cos i can't stand him
he has ruined my life.

Hello nats yes my email still the same as it use to be i sent you a fwd email it was sent back to me said your email was no longer at that addy

Jason my love you have a lovely voice a bit of irish n a bit of yorkshire
very nice me i'm just one pure scouser you have to get use to me and our nats here we talk too much once we start we can't stop but I've a tint of canadain in my voice according to my mum i have she says i'm a snob but i don't think i am.

martin you who where are you why aint you spking to us honey

Watch out my cousin conal use to be known as sconehead on here is watching us Don't believe a word he says if he visits any of you he jsut likes to tell pork pies and he makes a holly show of me also......
smiley - run along Coanl your tv program is on in 10 secs He a star trek smiley - geeklol

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 105


Ok Hilary i will email you either tomorrow or Thursday smiley - ok
I am not in a happy my mood at the moment, so if i disapper for a bit i hope that you will understand.

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 106


hey babe come on dont dissapear
if ya what a shoulder to cry on you can use my shoulder smiley - hug

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 107


Yeah and my ex hubby won't give me a divorce he still thinks i'm his and i will never be his at all he even threatend to have me avicted from this place i've got and my name is on the rent book his name still on it but he wander off 5 years ago and i glad i got shut of him but he comes round and says he wants money then he leave me alonesmiley - wahi wish to gawd he fall in a ditch I wish no harm on anybody but my ex hubby he a right looney.

My Cousins removed him from my doorstep lastnight once again
smiley - sadface

why do you think i won't invite anyone to mine i think of yours and my friends safety first anthony can looik after himself he has removed the smiley - clownabout 12 times now its getting to the point i feelsmiley - ill

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 108


yes i will babe i'll be glad to
and cors i'd remove him dont want
your big day ruined now do we

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 109


smiley - ta dad but i will be alright, i will pick up later.

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 110


Hilary you have me confused now hun.

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 111


smiley - wahi feel so smiley - sadface

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 112


thats bad what is his prob
he the type of blokes that thinks he's all
that what a wan oops nearly forgot lol

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 113

THE SCOOBIES (Giles) "Could it possibly get uglier, I used to be a highly respected watcher, now I'm a wounded dwarf with the my




Any Tips on Dog's

Post 114


Why are smiley - crying, you will start me off again in a minute

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 115

THE SCOOBIES (Giles) "Could it possibly get uglier, I used to be a highly respected watcher, now I'm a wounded dwarf with the my

Hilary your my snow princess you make me happy im glad i found you sweetheart we will be together forever and we will be happy darling I smiley - love YOU PRINCESS mmmmmwwwaaaahhhhhhhhh smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 116


thats good then and where's that big smile

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 117


yeah dude its a pleasure

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 118


I've been married twice hon and i wish i'd kept myself to myself I exsplain all in email to you can't say much on here remeber i said a while back i had a violent partner well my ex hubby was violent towards me i lost my second child cos of him i was 6 mnths gone and he beat me up and left me to die my brother luke found me and my ex hubby was arrested he went away to jail not just for that but for other things like he attcked his own mother and father and he tried to run away with his sisters son.
I tried to open up about this meny a time its very smiley - wahupsetting but i've got to get it off my chest its maken me smiley - illI've kept this bottled up inside me only God and my Dad who is in heaven knows about it all plus my big brother luke he in heaven also I just gorra get it off my chest i hope i don't upset you nats cos i know you been in simlar situation havent you hon

Jason smiley - sorrylove you had to read this but thats why i'm scared of getting hurt in love wise cos my ex bf was the last smiley - brokenheartand i still feel raw from it all

sorry if i upset you also.

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 119


hey peep's there is no need to be
sad (i aint that bad lol)
come on you two lady's cheer up or i'm gonna have to start telling jokes and you dont want that lol
come big group smiley - hug

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 120


babe dont be silly
thats bad karma but you have got to forget
i know it must be hard but it will get
and you have some one who love's you so make the best of that hun

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