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Any Tips on Dog's

Post 81


ok then i'l be here hun
your gp sounds like a well i wont say
on here cos it aint nice but think you know what i mean deff get yourself a new

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 82

THE SCOOBIES (Giles) "Could it possibly get uglier, I used to be a highly respected watcher, now I'm a wounded dwarf with the my

no 1 dad

hiya im jason nice to meet u

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 83


I know you do my sweetsmiley - loveBut there's my family online watching me right now oh heck i don't care come here smiley - cuddle

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 84


hiya dude my names brad
you sound loved up mate

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 85


jason so you've met my adopted dad then he be given me away cos theres no way i'm letting a fruitloop of my little brother give me away he a nut and allways will be and as for my uncles no way they all well too old plus they make a show of me

i kno what you on about my old gp out the window and a new gp will be better.

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 86


well thats good then hun you should
be able to get it all sorted now

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 87


Jason did i tell you what happend this morning early hours at 5am
someone made a holly mess my kitchen and the silly fool is staying out in me mums tonight cos of somebody being there.

Conal i know your online but cud you please stop taken the micky out of me and get your bum down to liverpool where your father is my uncle jack cos he has totaly ruined my new kitchen and i got my own back this morning he asked for a fry up and i gave him smiley - catfood salad butties now you can take the micky out of your father now your brothers jamie and harry call him Meow man and he dosn't know i did the cat food thing to him he said the buttie was a lovely bit of steak smiley - rofl

theres another prank you can remeber cat food butties to your mates lol

Jason smiley - cuddle

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 88


Hiya All

smiley - sorry i disapappeared i had to get off, cos i had another migraine smiley - wah

Hilary i saw the postings hun, and i didn't like what i saw.
I am smiley - sorry about it all, and i wish i was there for you to give you a smiley - hug
But don't let it worry you hun, cos the more he sees you upset he will only do it more.

Anyway how are you dad, and how is our little Aaron.

Hi Brad thank you for the smiley - hug cos i needed it badly.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 89


I smiley - envyyou Dad co's i'd love another little me running around the place i've got my pets they my babies but i'd love to hold a baby in my arms once again i smiley - wahmiss it all the night feeds the crying the nappys ect

Jason how meny shud we hAVE Cubs you and me smiley - loveblush

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 90

THE SCOOBIES (Giles) "Could it possibly get uglier, I used to be a highly respected watcher, now I'm a wounded dwarf with the my

brad yes me all loved up m8

i love my hilary she means alot to me m8

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 91


yeah that is a good one i shall
wait for the right moment for that one
i've done all the old ones like a sky
hook and tartan paint
oh yeah and a half inche hole lol
that was funny.

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 92

THE SCOOBIES (Giles) "Could it possibly get uglier, I used to be a highly respected watcher, now I'm a wounded dwarf with the my

well if we are going to act like real wolf hunny it will have to be 6 little cubs

i'll be happy if i was going to be a daddy hunny love you baby xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 93



Any Tips on Dog's

Post 94

THE SCOOBIES (Giles) "Could it possibly get uglier, I used to be a highly respected watcher, now I'm a wounded dwarf with the my

hiya hunny u ok nats i'm jason

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 95


well that is nice matey i do like to see
people happy
good luck and may you both spend many
happy years together

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 96


ah babe cheer up give me a big
smile it'll all come out in the wash
whats wrong hun?

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 97


Hiya Jason, Hilary and dad.
How are you all.

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 98


Json Mysmiley - love Will you wait just encase i have to wwaite for this Dam Op I want 8 children i come from a big family I've lost 4 little poor souls I'd love to somme cubs with you but your over 12 miles away and i've got to sort this mad family out
the reason why my uncle came down is another reason he Got heart disease and I'msmiley - wahupset over that as well
and my other cousin harry he moven to Germany with his gf and our jamie he going to ibiza to work my family are splitting up i can't bare it My other family who use live in fife moved all emgrated to the USA 3 mnths ago and theres only conal and derick and kyle in uk now smiley - sadfaceand i don't wanna get stuck with my mums side the family they all thicko's

Hiya nats hon
how are you now sorry hear you had migra i had one those the other morning and they hurt like hell.

Dad yeah well i've idoits in my family that use hair remover for shampoo a brother that drinks Cider vingar thinks it apple juice I've another cousin who put Heat Rub on his tackle thinking it was sudocream
And now my uncle ate asmiley - catfood buttie thinking it tasted like steak
smiley - rofllmao

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 99

THE SCOOBIES (Giles) "Could it possibly get uglier, I used to be a highly respected watcher, now I'm a wounded dwarf with the my

hiya nats hun well i got some back stabbing friends hunnie

but im in love with my princess she makes me happy and i want to hold her in my arms

Any Tips on Dog's

Post 100


I have two migraines in the space of two days now, and i don't like them at all.
Hiya dad did you know that you were my dad ad first, and now you have Hilary aswell smiley - cool hey lol < smiley - biggrin

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