A Conversation for H2G2 Bookworms Club

Books for Kids...

Post 81

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

Oh, that's so cool! Is there anything specific you have to provide for a meet?

Books for Kids...

Post 82

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

A venue. You need one of those - but pubs are in pretty plentiful supply, in my experience...

smiley - shark

Books for Kids...

Post 83

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

First problem then, I'm only 16! You see, you don't work, you're replying whenever I'm on here!smiley - winkeye

Books for Kids...

Post 84

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

The solutuion to that problem is to find a like minded individual who can do the pub organizing for you...

smiley - shark

Books for Kids...

Post 85


Well you're allowed to go into a pub when you're 16 you're just not allowed to drink. Our next Birmingham meet is going to be in a resturant. And there's a meeet planed at Alton Towers...

If you get a group of people together then ask for venue suggestions.

This is the page where up coming communty events are listed --> A435791 so you can get an idea of what kind of thing people want.

there's also the past communtiy events page.. A649299

Have fun

smiley - cheers

Books for Kids...

Post 86

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

Ah, I think I'd better wait, my parents are quite strict. But I WILL meet you all eventually.smiley - biggrin

Books for Kids...

Post 87

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

We shall lok forward to it. smiley - smiley

smiley - shark

Books for Kids...

Post 88

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

Aww, smiley - ta

smiley - hug

Books for Kids...

Post 89

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

See, I'm not really all that scary...smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

smiley - shark

Books for Kids...

Post 90


Ooh but I am smiley - weirdsmiley - winkeye

Books for Kids...

Post 91

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

Oh Z, I'm sure you're utterly gorgeous! We no Blues isn't because he's told us!

Books for Kids...

Post 92

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

What do you know I'm not? Gorgeous or scary?

smiley - shark

Books for Kids...

Post 93


I'm sure there's photos of me drunk at a meet linked somewhere from this site to disprove that theory smiley - winkeye

Books for Kids...

Post 94

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

Well, find a link and I'll give you my opinion. The only photo of me that 's ever been on the web my face was being covered in brown gummy paper to make a mask so no point in trying to find that.

Books for Kids...

Post 95


Well as you insist be as brutal as yuowant, I'm the one not dressed as a fairy.


Books for Kids...

Post 96

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

Shame, those wings would suit you...smiley - winkeye

There's nowt wrong with you, you seem like a luvverly lad.

Don't ask me why, but that comment just seemed to suit vaguely Northern.

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