This is the Message Centre for Lady Scott

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 1

Lady Scott

Yes, that's how much I stacked between yesterday afternoon and this afternoon.

smiley - groan Aching all over.

And Woodman brought another truckload today!! smiley - grr

He wanted to make sure we had "enough to keep warm this winter", get rid of all his cut wood while he could... and with the snow coming tonight, tomorrow, and Doobry, I needed to get the wood that was all over my driveway stacked pronto so we could put the cars back in the driveway.

smiley - puff Exhausted.

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 2

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Somehow, I knew this journal entry was yours before I ever clicked on it. smiley - winkeye

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 3


well done Lady scott. I hope you've now put your feet up and have had a nice cup of tea!smiley - winkeye

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 4

Lady Scott

smiley - erm I just remembered I need to go put tarps on all that wood before the snow starts tonight...

smiley - groan

*trudge, trudge, trudge*

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 5


will just stop woman. And put that kettle on.smiley - laugh

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 6


should have been a 'you' after the 'will'

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 7

Lady Scott

Back now... got a warm cozy fire going. smiley - smiley

smiley - ermMay have some smiley - tea in a bit - too tired to go make the smiley - tea right now.

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 8

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Pssst! Has the slave driver gone home yet? smiley - winkeye

Redpeckham is right. You should STOP, woman! It's dangerous to do that much physical labor all at once when you aren't used to it. smiley - erm

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 9

Lady Scott

smiley - tongueout Too late, it's already done.

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 10

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Nice graphic!

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 11

Lady Scott

smiley - erm Graphic? smiley - huh

And just to make you all happy, I've started the kettle for smiley - tea. Just what I needed... something *else* to do. smiley - tongueout

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 12

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

The graphic at the top of the journal conversation.

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 13

Lady Scott

Ooooooooooh, I see. smiley - bigeyes

Well, actually I don't *see* it, because I'm in frames, and for some reason it doesn't show in frames. But I thought it was a pretty nifty graphic anyway.

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 14

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I guess you're the cord-inator of firewood at your house, Lady Scott smiley - tongueout. I thought the cut picture of the gate at trhe top of your thread meant that you had reached frame and fortune. smiley - winkeye

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 15

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

That should have been "cute picture," not "cut picture." smiley - erm

Anyway, your family has dele-gated the wood-procurement chores to you.
smiley - biggrin

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 16

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

At our house, we have to carry the firewood into the house because the wood-pile is so far away. Why don't we move the wood-pile? Because the previous owners built a cement platform for it.

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 17

Shea the Sarcastic

So move the house! Geez, you have to make everything difficult in New Jersey, don't you? smiley - tongueout

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 18

Don Malvado, so bitter my cat won't even lick me

We have lots of wood piles at home!

I wish I has a fireplace at uni!

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 19


I am supposed to have a lot of wood here. I don't somehow. smiley - erm I guess something went wrong this winter. What is a cord anyway? smiley - huh

3 Cords of Wood in 27 Hours.

Post 20

Lady Scott

A cord of wood is a stack that's 4 feet by 4 feet by 8 feet... 128 cubic feet. I don't know how much that is in metric, but that's how wood is supposed to be sold in this country.

You still haven't gotten your wood? That's not good... call.. harass... you *NEED* your wood!

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