This is the Message Centre for Serephina

I need a life

Post 1


smiley - sadface
I'm not happy. I've not been happy for a while, but I've numbed it with so called happy pills that make me want to do nothing but sleep my time away. I stopped taking them a couple of weeks ago, and over the last couple of days its all started to come out. I'm desperately lonely smiley - sadface apart from Ged (who is wonderful dont get me wrong) I can go weeks, if not months without more than a passing hello with another adult! . I don't remember the last time I went to lunch or whatever with a girlfriend, or one even called to say hi! I can rarely afford credit on my phone at the mo, n silly as it may sound I'd feel like I was intruding..I tend to be more if someone wants to talk to me or wants me to visit them they know where I am, I'll wait to be invited rather than ask. So here I am, not even be able to give my time away to the charity shop cos they dont want me either, feeling lonely and forgotton and really really empty.smiley - cry as i realised yesterday, no wonder ive had no motivation n felt so lethagic when every days so empty

I need a life

Post 2


Honey, go for 3% a day. Do something, not huge, that is easily achieveable (sp?) to you, and you will feel so much better. Do you want to know what mine is? Well, everybody knows that you're supposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day. That's quite alot for a shortie like me. My small bladder would mean that I would spend a good amount of my time on the loo smiley - blush So consequently, I wasn't drinking any water at all. So, my 3% is to drink two glasses of water a day which is better than none and easily achieveable (oh dear, that wrong spelling again I bet). Doing a few sit-ups, dropping the biscuits out of the day but not necessarily the choccie bars yet. Walk somewhere, not far, that you wouldn't normally walk to. Do something for you and then you will find that other things will follow on. Energy creates energy. 3%. Give it a go smiley - hugsmiley - cheerup

I need a life

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

Seriphsmiley - cuddleI don't know what to say,really, and I have no suggestions as to what to do about it. smiley - sadface
But I bet your other friends will be more helpful, BillyBob has started already smiley - ok

I need a life

Post 4

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - biggrin Serph just go for it tinker, get out ther and knmock on someones front door! i.e go shopping and chat to people, (now then I know its not the done thing in the south of england.... but just go and do it.... take them to the canteen and have a cuppa) its how i meet people!
smiley - smiley

I need a life

Post 5


I will reply to this properly later, but I would like to point out that I do phone to say hi..... and did so less than a couple of weeks ago. Not to mention pop over when I can..

I need a life

Post 6

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I wish I lived closer smiley - cuddle

I need a life

Post 7

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Oi, Serephina, woman! I've *still* got Braindead, Bad Taste and (for a couple of weeks from Friday) enough cash for a bottle of JD.

I'd phone more often but am generally too smiley - drunk by the time I think of it (poor old 2legs ends up with a drunken Roymondo in his ear shortly after midnight!) And I'm not a girl.

I need a life

Post 8


I feel like I'm coming apart smiley - cry

I need a life

Post 9


When you are as low as you are obviously feeling, it is really, really hard to pick yourself up but I promise, you do one thing, just one thing for you that makes you feel good about yourself, and it will make all the difference. That's where the 3% comes in. Tonight before bedtime, tomorrow, think of something little for you, and here's the trick, do it! I've had my two glasses of water today and I feel good about it because two glasses is better than the zero glasses because I knew I wouldn't manage the eight glasses (if you see what I'm saying). I'm sure that everybody at sometime has felt low, to varying degrees, about something or another. I certainly know I have. Don't run before you can walk, something little smiley - hug

I need a life

Post 10

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - cuddlesmiley - cuddle I need a life too smiley - wah tell me if you find out where they are to be found smiley - winkeyesmiley - cuddlesmiley - wah I've just spent hours on various job search database websites.... and found not one job to even contemplate applying for smiley - huh thats over a thousand jobs nationwide I looked at smiley - wahsmiley - ermsmiley - doh I need smiley - choc want some? smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

I need a life

Post 11


How are you today?smiley - hug Did you manage 3%?smiley - cheerup

I need a life

Post 12

Milla, h2g2 Operations

My tip for a little thing to do:

Wipe the crumbs from ONE drawer in the kitchen. Not two or five. One.

I need to do it some day at least...

smiley - towel

I need a life

Post 13


smiley - cheerup Just checking in to see how you are smiley - hug You see how everybody's 3% is different. Brushing the crumbs out of my drawers wouldn't have made me feel better (unless it was my underwear smiley - yikes).

I need a life

Post 14


There's a book called 'How to Change Your Life in Seven Easy Steps' by John Bird. That's where the 3% idea came from. It might help .... smiley - smiley

I need a life

Post 15

aka Bel - A87832164

BB you're a smiley - star

I need a life

Post 16


DO U KNOW WHT? i passed by a time i was like u . i needed somone to love me someone to feel me a gilrfriend . it was a long period. in that time i fall three times in love from my side only . it was a ll headach . in the last time i mean in the last love it was so wierd and bad that i fall in love in chat rooms with an american girl who suddnly vanished !!! but now everything is ok smiley - smooch!! i have a true love and a great girlfriend . do u know wht!! the best solution is to get out in the public places to join comunities libraries . to try to find some places u like then u will find the people u like in there!!! best luck buddy smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

I need a life

Post 17


Oh I have a wonderful boyfriend already smiley - biggrin

feeling much better than i was cheers everyone, n going out this the 'gulp' fresh air! smiley - yikes

smiley - laugh

I need a life

Post 18


Hi Serephina - hope you are feeling more perky today.smiley - smiley

Getting out in the fresh air is a good plan. Sometimes just a walk around the block can be a suprisingly good pick-me-up.smiley - ok


I need a life

Post 19


A bit smiley - blue tonight cos Geds gone home till friday, but otherwise fine.

Took Josh to the park yesterday afternoon then went to Genie's for dinner which was nce.

I need a life

Post 20


I'm glad to know that you are feeling better smiley - hug and look at how everybody cares about you smiley - love And now it is time for you to care about you too smiley - biggrin

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