HI good PEEPS!!! ok i am 21 years old , graduated from Accounting DEPT. Cairo Univeristy. i am work in deffrent feild , i work in tenders devision in an IT company here in cairo . I study post gradute Diploma about diffrent Field ,its about HRM (Human Resources Mangement) in the American Univerity in Cairo .hmmm much difrences .. do u know wht i wanna make something .. so i am here ... i wanna make a change . a change in the Whole world . i like to read much althought i am slow in reading . i like russian Literature so much specially Feodor Destoyvesky. i like BBC . I like All humans .. do u know wht !! .. people here in egypt ,maybe in the whole meddle east, don't know themselves or they didn't explore themselves.. they don't have the coice in manythings . like me , i didn't choose the faculty of my study . didn't choose the feild of study . i didn't like the field of commerce and accounting suddlny i found myself in that faculty (it was because my average grades in the secondry school didn't reach the suitable average do the faculty of engneering that i wished to join) when i graduated from that faculty and became an accounant i didnt find a job of accountant !!!!. so i worked in another field !!! i hate my work u know... even i am one of the most lucky guys in the faculty that i found a job quickly !! then i decided to study a post graduat study so i joined a defrent thign and field !!! some people here get married without love i mean by arranged marraige .. can u belive that my father told me ,that happend since 5 days i think, that when i will decide to get married i must choose a girl from certain families that he knows... damn wht is this all about !!!! i don't know who am i!!! many people here i like this.. they don't know wht they should do . they live without targets or goals.undemocratic society where they know that if they said NO nothing will happen so that they must agree or be silent . so they can't choose . they can't plan well . so it happenes when ,sometimes, they prevent eachother from choosing ur future wife ,as my dad want to do . i wanna get out of the country then they terrorism played its damn role !! they hit USA so it became so hard to study or work there , so i decided euorope (i thought it will be easier)then the damn terrorist decided to destroy my dream so that they hit london and madrid.I said OK ,lets try Qatar , a rich country on the persain gulf, many egyptians are there and it has great jobs so i can join one of the multinational companies then i will get much money which will enable me to travel whereever i want . the goddamn terrorists decided to burn the dream down . they bombed a car in front of british school in Qatar's Capital ,later they knew that the car was owned by egyptian and he was inside the car when the explosion happend so there were some doubts that it was a suicde bombing so its hard for egyptians to get open visas to enter Qatar. so i think its so much long . finally i decided to STOP ALL OF THIS

.to plan for my life and to CHANGE IT so i try to find a great network on enternet like this to share important information on wht i can name my subject . there is ashort story written by destoyvesky its name is THE DREAM OF A RIDIULOUS MAN . thanks u sorry for the long messege

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