A Conversation for Great Islands

south pacific suggestions?

Post 1

span(ner in the works) - check out The Forum A1146917 for some ace debate

my bf and i are looking to go away for a week to ten days after the NZ election (we are both political animals for different, left wing, parties and anticipate that we may need to do some repair work on the ol' relationship after what is shaping up to be a bruising election)

the election hasn't been called yet but will be sometime from early August to late Nov (imho it will be no later than late Sept)

also as we live in NZ (no not part of Australia, but close) we are looking for somewhere in the Pacific, preferably not very developed, and preferably with a favourable exchange rate for us (hah hah hah!)

we also don't have a lot of dosh to spend, but would like a touch of luxury

plus fiji and bali are out for political reasons (fiji cos they won't let labour in and bali cos that's how a lot of the indonesian militia who have been nasty to the east timorese get their money)

it's very hard being political you know! smiley - winkeye

any help very much appreciated - at the moment we are vaguely thinking about the cook islands


south pacific suggestions?

Post 2

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Hmmm that's a difficult one. Agree with Fiji and Bali - Fiji is still unsettled and Bali is not what it once. Last time I was there it was a bad deal between the Aussie backpackers and the hawkers. Little trace of real culture unless you went exclusive and upmarket. Far too commercialised for my taste.

I enjoyed Kauai - all the advantages of the south sea with American convenience. It's a touch expensive but not prohibitively so like Tahiti. It's where they shot South Pacific and Indiana Jones movies. Fantastic place but relatively developed.

Not been to the Cook Islands but a buddy went I recall him saying that it was relatively underdeveloped but a little short on tourist amenities. Plenty of beaches and stuff but the place was a bit of a tip in parts and dirt poor.

Have you considered New Caledonia at all ? Noumea is supposed to be nice and might fit your bill. If all else fails you can always try Pitcairn of course smiley - winkeye

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