A Conversation for The H2G2 Cycling Club

A cyclist in Japan

Post 101


Hi thread! wake up! Good news:--

The British Medical Association has said the
benefits of riding a bike outweigh the risks by a
ratio of 20 to 1.

The American Medical Association concluded: "Even
after adjustment for other risk factors, including
leisure time physical activity, those who did not
cycle to work experienced a 39% higher mortality rate
than those who did."

The Harvard Center for Risk Analysis says the risk
of death from heart disease is 1 in 397, a motor
vehicle accident is 1 in 6745, and from a bicycle
accident is 1 in 376,165.

(forwarded from the Galway Cycling Campaign -- galwaycyclist at yahoo dot co dot uk)


Post 102


I'm a cyclist!, and a member of
Birdwell Wheelers and British Cycling,Feel free to visit my space for more info....


Post 103

Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence

Welcome, crazyace, pull up a banana and make yourself comfy smiley - smiley


Post 104


Thank you.
I've got a Carrera, a Quintana
Roo and two Claud Butlers but I'm afraid I havn't got a Raliegh Banana.sorry.


Post 105

Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence

Heh! I have two Claud Butlers and a Fying Banana smiley - smiley

http://www.chapmancentral.com for a picture of the flying banana and our family triplet.


Post 106


Hi It's me again whats your Claud Butlers, I have a Dalesman
and a rock mountain bike, the dalesman is an original in 531
the Rock is alluminium from the Falcon co. My wife has just ordered a CBR Gatecrasher and it is being delivered on Wednesday.


Post 107

Hotblack Desiato : Bwarm! Brawm! Baderr! ! something...

I'm a cyclist!

Wot now??
Do I inform you of my interests?
Or should I have left this blank??


smiley - huh


Post 108

Number Six

What I was wondering was if anyone had any solution to the age-old problem of insects flying into your mouth while cycling?

Short of keeping your mouth shut, of course!

smiley - mod


Post 109

Hotblack Desiato : Bwarm! Brawm! Baderr! ! something...

Ride backwards??
Develop gill??
DDT the little beggers??

Why doe you never see the riders in "The Tour" stop, yelling in pain as a midge does backstroke in his eye?? They don't all have eye protection??
smiley - geek



Post 110

Al Johnston

I'm a cyclist!

Mainly I commute from home to work to the rowing club, but occasionally I just go out and pedal on- or off-road for the hell of it, or add a diversion to one of my usual routes.

As I live in Newcastle, work in Washington and row from Newburn I wind up covering quite a distance.

I'm in the CTC and go out on some rides on those odd occasions when I can get up on a Sunday....

smiley - devilsmiley - pirate


Post 111

Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence

The Dalesman is a 1986 531ST handbuilt tourer, the second Claud Butler is a Ravana cheapo aluminium rigid MTB.

Two new members ot sign up - folks, sorry for the delay, but Real Life (TM) intrudes. I'll be back ASAP.


Post 112


I'm a cyclist! Especially borrowing my dad's Holdsworths and Bob Jacksons...


Post 113

Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence

Welcome, rider of trusty iron steeds!


Post 114

Al Johnston

Er, mine's Aluminium....

smiley - devilsmiley - pirate


Post 115


I'm a cyclist!

...and I live in Reading, apparently cycling capital of Britain! I ride with the Ratz (Reading All Terrain Mountain Bike Club) and I'm building up to riding to work a couple of times a week..just need to do that first time. I do work in Marlow, 15 miles away, and have an excellent list of excuses for not riding there, but Friday 29th is August is going to be the day. Wish me luck!
I have a website on mtb'ing at www.mudintheblood.co.uk if you're interested...


Post 116

Al Johnston

Good luck!

Whereabouts in Marlow do you work? My parents live there.

smiley - devilsmiley - pirate


Post 117


I work just near the station, roughly where the town stops being a pretty little place on the Thames and becomes an industrial estate! It's a lovely place though, the last bit of the ride (I practised it a few weeks back) along the river from Hurley is wonderful, a lot nicer than the A4 first thing in the morning!


Post 118

Al Johnston

Ah! My parents live a bit further along, just off Newtown Road. The most I ever saw of the Industrial Estate was when I was learning to drive, although the bit out by the bypass is quite posh for an industrial estate.

You get some nice rides by the river, I can imagine the A4 can get to be as much of a kamikaze run as the A19...

smiley - devilsmiley - pirate


Post 119

Andrea Ortiz...used to want a coffeeshop...now I want a restaurant

I would like to join. I don't know how to ride a bicycle but am planning on learning by the Spring. I think it is such a relaxing and/or challenging hobby to have.


Post 120

Hotblack Desiato : Bwarm! Brawm! Baderr! ! something...


riding a bike is very much like...





freedom!!! For a while, once the wobbles have gone, you can fly like a bird, you can reap the rewards of your efforts (like the downhills following the climbs), you control your destiny, you can forget everything else because you're just riding.

I have never felt so free to enjoy myself as when I'm riding, I hope you do try it, I hope you enjoy it half as much as me!!!

smiley - zen


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