A Conversation for Sandwiches - The Theorum of

Peer Review: A684470 - Sandwiches - The Theorum of

Post 1


Entry: Sandwiches - The Theorum of - A684470
Author: wayne_doz - U188968


Thought ID try this one with you guys.



A684470 - Sandwiches - The Theorum of

Post 2

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Welcome to h2g2 and peer review smiley - ok

This review forum is for entries intended to go in the Edited Guide, which is based on factual entries that meet the <./>writing-guidelines</.>

Unfortunately your entry doesn't meet the guidelines and the EG actually already has a very basic entry on 'Sandwiches' at A144299

However, the good news is that your entry still makes up part of the sites unedited guide and is still available for people to read via the <./>search</.> facility smiley - ok

To remove it from this forum go to the <./>peerreview</.> listing and clicking on the 'X' or 'remove' next to your entry listing.

smiley - cheers


A684470 - Sandwiches - The Theorum of

Post 3


I think it is a very good entry. I found it both informative and entertaining...

I'm still unable to work out my mental stability though!

A684470 - Sandwiches - The Theorum of

Post 4

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

I think its enteraining but not really suitable for the EG, however, he underguide may enjoy having it, it may be worht submitting it to the alternative writing workshop


A684470 - Sandwiches - The Theorum of

Post 5


wayne would seem to have disappeared...

A684470 - Sandwiches - The Theorum of

Post 6

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

Back to entry then ?

A684470 - Sandwiches - The Theorum of

Post 7

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

seconded on grounds of non-EG material (author not quite elvised officially yet)

I will start a list smiley - ok

A684470 - Sandwiches - The Theorum of

Post 8

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Still here?

Adding to current list. (author elvised too now)

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