
Whether we like them or not, computers are a part of our lives. We work with them, play with them and let them run our lives. Without them, we fall to pieces. So why do we hate them so much?

Personally, I hate mine because it changes all the time. Just when you think you've got used to it, you have to re-learn everything you knew and start again.

It is for this reason that I lost my details of my previous incarnation on the old hsgs site, under the guise of Trik Stuntor (Researcher 53763) Having written several entries, one of which made it under the mighty cleaver of editing (entry A210493 - Marketing).

Like the Pheonix from the flames, I hope to soar anew and create newer and funnier works.

Oh bugger it, I'll just do the same old smut.

Wayne Doz

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Hi Oct 31, 2002
Hola wayne_doz Jan 21, 2002


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Researcher U188968


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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