This is the Message Centre for Z

30.11.11 (2) Well that was fun

Post 1


Today I presented some research at the UK Stroke forum. It was data that we had discovered incidentally whilst doing another study.

It was about the amount of minor stroke that shows up on the modern MRI scan. I knew it was something that people found interesting because they kept asking me about it. So I look a look, wrote an abstract and submitted it. I was hoping to maybe get a poster and was delighted to get a presentation, and even more scared when I realised it was a presentation in the main hall of the conference, and not in one of the side rooms.

And the talk was very well received. Although my slides were clear (if dull) and the speaking was apparently clear. The thing that interested people seemed to mainly be the content, which was quite controversial. The other talks in the presentation got one or two comments each.

Mine got about 13, I lost track. I had prepared for the common questions, I hadn't prepared for a long rambling point which didn't have a clear question in. Through the break I had a lot of people come up to me and asked questions and gave various comments as well.

Actually it was scary, but it was exhilerating and it was fun. It reminded when why I'm involved in science, rather than just providing patient care.

30.11.11 (2) Well that was fun

Post 2


Sounds very rewarding, Z

30.11.11 (2) Well that was fun

Post 3


Well done Z!

30.11.11 (2) Well that was fun

Post 4


I'm sure there are many presentations to come. Congratulations!

30.11.11 (2) Well that was fun

Post 5


smiley - stiffdrink

30.11.11 (2) Well that was fun

Post 6

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Nice one, Z smiley - smiley (I don't like those long, rambling 'non-questions' either. By the end of it one has forgotten what the salient points were - if indeed there were any!

30.11.11 (2) Well that was fun

Post 7


Good for you! Glad it went well!

30.11.11 (2) Well that was fun

Post 8


Give that fellow a smiley - boing smiley! smiley - applause

30.11.11 (2) Well that was fun

Post 9

Candi - now 42!

smiley - bubbly

30.11.11 (2) Well that was fun

Post 10

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - applause
See, told ya!
smiley - cool

30.11.11 (2) Well that was fun

Post 11

I'm not really here

I know someone famous! smiley - winkeye

30.11.11 (2) Well that was fun

Post 12

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly

30.11.11 (2) Well that was fun

Post 13

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

This happened to me on my gap year - I submitted an abstract for a poster and ended up doing a presentation. Was terrifying as mine was also controversial (contradicted an eminent researcher in the same field) but was one of the best things I've ever done.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it, hope there will be plenty more to come!

smiley - ok

30.11.11 (2) Well that was fun

Post 14

You can call me TC

When are you going on tour? smiley - winkeye

But seriously...
It's a great feeling, breaking down a personal barrier like that.

I didn't think it went 'that well'

Post 15


There was a prize for the best presentation by a trainee, or a consultant of less than 5 years standing. After such a good reception I had a hint that i might be in with a chance. To be honest I would be a little sad if I hadn't got this. I knew this was stupid, after all I had done so well to get a presentation and got loads of feedback. All I was doing was setting myself up to be disappointed. As I said to Ben in the morning - It's only a £20 book token on something, but it would make it a lot easier to get a job.

The preamble for the prize was that the winner was invited to present their presentation in the Austrialian conference next year.

'Ooh' I thought...

'I don't mind I if don't win this' I wrote in my notebook.

You see the thing is that I am not a prize winning type, this was the first time that I had presented at a conference and frankly I should be pleased with that. I have a huge chip about not being good enough to be working in our research group, and that I can't have an academic career as I didn't go to Oxbridge.

The idea of telling myself that I wanted to win was silly, it was just setting myself up for a fall. I should stop.

But I did imagine what it would sound like if he announced by name.

Then the man made the announcement, and it was my name I couldn't quite work out if it was still in my head or if it was actually true. I looked around and he said my name again and said could I come up to the stage if I was in the room.

Ok, yes, it was me.


I didn't think it went 'that well'

Post 16


*wild applause*

I didn't think it went 'that well'

Post 17


smiley - applause Totally awesome. smiley - magic

I didn't think it went 'that well'

Post 18



This is a bit of a relief to be honest. For one thing a small website called h2g2 has been taking up more of my time than it should have done, and the PhD hasn't been going as well as It should. I'd started to doubt if I wanted to stay in academic medicine after all. This is a nice affirmation that it's something that's possible.

I didn't think it went 'that well'

Post 19


smiley - applause

Also, Australia Envy, but mostly smiley - applause

I didn't think it went 'that well'

Post 20

Mrs Zen

So.... that's a meet Down Under next year, then?

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