This is the Message Centre for Z

I didn't think it went 'that well'

Post 21



My boss wants me to meet up with some potential collaborators in Oz whilst I'm there.

But yes, Down under meet..

I didn't think it went 'that well'

Post 22

You can call me TC

Brilliant brilliant - Oh well done you!!!

See - I asked when you were going on tour. Now we know!

I didn't think it went 'that well'

Post 23


smiley - applause!

I didn't think it went 'that well'

Post 24

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

we are not worthy! smiley - applause

I didn't think it went 'that well'

Post 25

Metal Chicken

Fantastic! Well done the glittering academic smiley - applause

I didn't think it went 'that well'

Post 26

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

smiley - applause

you will love it here downunder smiley - biggrin

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