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4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

We're pleased to announce a few small changes to h2g2 that will be coming up next week.

smiley - magic The first involves the h2g2 Volunteer badges. Currently, there are two basic designs for volunteer badges, the ones visible in Classic and Alabaster skins and the ones visible in Brunel. Because the badges in Brunel are very intricate, they make adding new schemes to the site that little bit more difficult. We've taken the decision therefore to make all the volunteer badges look the same, regardless of which skin you use. The new designs are based on the original 'pendant' style currently seen in Classic and Alabaster, but are rectangular.

We appreciate the clunky Brunel badges might have their fans, but this change will make it easier for us to create new volunteer schemes in the future, which we feel is of more value to the community as a whole.

smiley - magic We've also been lucky enough to benefit from a little bit of development that we've wanted for quite some time. As part of our Editor tools, we now have a way of creating customisable credits on entries. These credits can be used to add names underneath the existing 'Written and Researched by' and 'Edited by' credits for artists, project leaders and more.

smiley - magic You should also see a small change to the left-hand navigation menu in Brunel with the addition of a 'Browse' option that links every page directly to the Edited Guide Categorisation.

smiley - magic While there are many activities on h2g2, the Edited Guide remains at the heart of everything we do here. Therefore, one more change is the introduction of a new range of badges for contributions to the Edited Guide. The badges will be added to the Personal Spaces of Researchers who have contributed 25 solo-written entries to the Edited Guide, with alternative badges for those who have written 50, 75 and 100 entries. We still need to iron out how we actually calculate who qualifies for which badge, but we'll start looking at that next week.

The plan is to implement these features on Monday, 8 August 2005. We'll let you know if there are any delays to this.

The h2g2 Editors

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 2


Well dones editors smiley - ok

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 3


How exciting! smiley - smiley

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 4

Mu Beta

I see the Editors are running heavy on the smiley - magic smiley these days. A pound to a penny says Natalie wrote that Post. smiley - winkeye

But I'm very excited about the new eatures. Especially the badges.


4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 5

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I guess they'l be making a seperate announcement then for the new nighthoover smiley? smiley - winkeyesmiley - run

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 6

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

will there be badge for the founders of the 5 biggest club/commintty like united friends A703126 with longest "Written and Researched by" of hootoo (400 plus!)

time for shame plug smiley - whistle

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 7

Gnomon - time to move on

>>customisable credits on entries

Does this mean that we'll be able to have separate credit sections for "Main Author" and "Assisted By"?

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 8

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Master B, that'll be a pound you owe me.

smiley - magic

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 9


"I see the Editors are running heavy on the smiley - magic smiley these days. A pound to a penny says Natalie wrote that Post. smiley - winkeye

But I'm very excited about the new eatures. Especially the badges.


Is this smiley - magic some mysterious new drug that can't be bought over the counter smiley - winkeye

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 10

Mu Beta

Nah, you can't have written it, Jimster. The grammar and spelling's too good. smiley - run


4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 11

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish


4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 12


So what do we have to do to get a freesmiley - magic eature on our space?

smiley - whistle

Hmm, told you cleaning out those hamster cages would work wonders didn't i?smiley - winkeye


4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 13

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Good luck trying to get a quid from Master B, if its anything like peoples previous attempts to get beer out of him, it'l fail dismally smiley - biggrinsmiley - run

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 14

Mu Beta

Oh dear. Am I now officially more tight than EV.

The same EV, incidentally who I gather lost a lot of his macho male credibility at the Meet, after spending a fair amount of time looking for Huey and Ralph in the toilet?


4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 15

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - bigeyes hey, I never never suggested you were as tight as Ev... I mean theres beign tight.... then .... a few hundreds of logs up the scale, theres EV smiley - evilgrinsmiley - winkeye did he? I cna't remember that smiley - bigeyes do tell all smiley - evilgrin

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 16

Mu Beta

It's based on completely verifiable and justified rumour.


4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 17

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Then why the heck didn't anyone tell me... I'm teh damn king after all smiley - winkeye heck, I was there! smiley - dohsmiley - run

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 18

Mu Beta

Well if you can remember that, you clearly didn't drink as much as usual.


4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 19

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Funny, because I don't remember it either, and there are no unexplained gaps in my memory of the evening. smiley - erm

4 August, 2005: New Features on h2g2

Post 20

Gnomon - time to move on

How about explained gaps? smiley - tongueout

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