A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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4 April 2002: We Need Your Feedback on GuideML 1.0

Post 21

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I'll wait until you get comforatble with the new version...
Then, in the middle of the night...smiley - bat

4 April 2002: We Need Your Feedback on GuideML 1.0

Post 22



4 April 2002: We Need Your Feedback on GuideML 1.0

Post 23

Hammy of Hamster (died, still moving)

anyone fell like rewriting it in the W3G standard or a schema or DTD would be lovely

4 April 2002: We Need Your Feedback on GuideML 1.0

Post 24

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

Mark said (somewhere, once long ago) that once we finalized GuideML 1.0 we could (one day, maybe) have a DTD for it. One day. smiley - smiley

-Spike A., still waiting for the day the XML is served straight-up

4 April 2002: We Need Your Feedback on GuideML 1.0

Post 25

Jim Lynn

I think what Mark was actually asking was whether a DTD would be of any use. It wasn't a promise to create one.

4 April 2002: We Need Your Feedback on GuideML 1.0

Post 26

Jim Lynn

As for serving XML, what browser do you use?

4 April 2002: We Need Your Feedback on GuideML 1.0

Post 27

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

Opera, until I get my hands on that XSLT! smiley - smiley

-Spike A.

4 April 2002: We Need Your Feedback on GuideML 1.0

Post 28

Mark Moxon

Yeah, no promises on a DTD... but having ploughed through the XHTML 1.0 one in detail, there's not that much to it, so you never know.

No promises, though, and the reaction to our question about whether anyone would use it wasn't exactly overwhelming, so we'll see.

4 April 2002: We Need Your Feedback on GuideML 1.0

Post 29

Jim Lynn

Spike - you'd probably have to switch to IE to make use of XML/XSLT functionality. Not even Mozilla has client-side XSLT capability yet, so IE is the only game in town.

And we'd love to open up the XML and XSLT, but at the moment the stylesheets are being overhauled to make them more easily maintained (which they need to be given the new sites coming along) but that process isn't quick. So I'd be reluctant to open them up now when they're so cumbersome.


4 April 2002: We Need Your Feedback on GuideML 1.0

Post 30

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Wow... and there's me sitting here thinking that I have some understanding of computers and the internet... smiley - erm

4 April 2002: We Need Your Feedback on GuideML 1.0

Post 31

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Not me! Ignorant and free!smiley - tongueout...to learn, I mean.

slowly...very slowly....

4 April 2002: We Need Your Feedback on GuideML 1.0

Post 32

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

smiley - biggrin

See! Still learning to preview.

4 April 2002: We Need Your Feedback on GuideML 1.0

Post 33

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

Sorry, I meant 'might' rather than 'could'.

And as for the XML/XSLT, I personally want to see DNA move out of the browser (if there's any hope of that ever happening one day). I personally hate HTML and web browsers. Big fan of stand-alone apps smiley - smiley.

-Spike A.

4 April 2002: We Need Your Feedback on GuideML 1.0

Post 34

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

And don't worry, Tonsil, I'm still learning to preview too. smiley - tongueout

-Spike A.

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