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28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

Some of you may have received a message about the Archiving project on WW2. If so, the first thing we need to say is 'Don't panic'. One small piece of information missing from the message is that this will not affect your h2g2 space at all.

At end of January 2006, the WW2 People's War site will be closing and all of the content there is going to be cloned for a new HTML archive of the site. This will be hosted on the BBC servers for the foreseeable future, and also on external partner sites to ensure that these wartime memories stay in the public domain. The intention is to 'future-proof' the site as much as possible, but this will require the creation of a very lean XML version of WW2. The WW2 team would also like the Personal Pages of those people who have contributed to the site, either by writing an article or posting to their forums to reflect the interest in World War Two of their owners, for the benefit of future users of the site - think 200 years from now!

One of the WW2 team members has contacted those people whose Personal Spaces may be replicated by the cloned site to explain that the copy of their Personal Space may need to be edited to remove items like smileys and other graphics. If you are not interested in how your Personal Space appears on WW2, you do not need to do anything. However, if you'd like to include a WW2-friendly message, you can do so by adding the following code to your Personal Space:

Here goes all the content that should be hidden from WW2 viewers, ie all the code that's currently on your Personal Page.

Here goes all the content visible to WW2 only - please stick to only text and paragraph breaks.

It's best to stick to a very plain, text only version of your Personal Page for the WW2 site. If you use smileys on this page, they will not appear as graphics, but as bits of code - so they are best avoided.

We also realised that because of a slight cultural difference between WW2 and h2g2, what was thought to be a helpful message might have come across as spam. We're doing everything we can to work with the WW2 team to ensure the inclusion of those h2g2 Researchers who wish their contributions to be represented in the project - and welcoming any WW2 members who wish to migrate to h2g2 when the site closes. With that in mind, we'd ask that h2g2 researchers do not use the complaints button to alert us to the 'spam'.

Finally, the WW2 team have asked us to post the following:

Thank you for posting to WW2 People's War - we're keen that your messages and stories stay online for perpetuity, but just need to make sure all the content is as accessible as possible. Big apologies for the spamming, hope things are a little clearer now.

28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 2


Hi there smiley - smiley

I've tried using the SITEFILTER tags and all that happens is my Personal Space ends up blank (except for some obscure reason the footnotes).

What am I doing wrong?


28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 3


The tag should be not .

28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 4


smiley - ta I just figured it out! (after reading SiteFilter Help Page. Perhaps the WW2 team need to be told that they've codeed it wrong in their message if they're contacting other DNA hub users smiley - smiley

28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 5


I think you've just done that for us, MJ.smiley - ok

28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 6


Oh, wait: "other hub users." I should learn to read.

28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 7


Thanks for spotting that, everybody - I've now amended the first message on this thread accordingly. smiley - smiley


28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 8

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit happy
"smiley - biggrin"

28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 9

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

so whats going on now! smiley - erm

28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 10

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit sad
"smiley - erm does anybody know how many sites there are ?

1xtra , mbradio4 , mbarchers , mbni < <./>/dna/hub/communities</.> > for some more.

Should I not exclude for any field or should I include the site for any display ? (360 is closed, finished and gone !)

If I found out what to exclude and what not I will include a section only in 'Approved GuideML' < A264520 > for the best result. smiley - cheers"

28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 11


I don't really understand how this WW2 closure thing impacts us. Will *all* our spaces be archived in the WW2 archive? Or only people who agreed to the WW2 terms? Or only certain people who agreed to the WW2 terms?

28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 12


> "does anybody know how many sites there are ?"

64 dna sub-sites. Plus other SSO stuff which wasn't dna.

28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 13

Smij - Formerly Jimster

If you posted to, or wrote an entry for WW2, a copy of your Personal Space will be archived. If you never contributed at all, it won't affect you in the slightest.

In all likeliness, it shouldn't affect more than about 30 current h2g2 Researchers.

28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 14


Good, I can stop panicking now.

*turns off panic button*

28 November, 2005: The WW2 People's War site

Post 15

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit watching
"Today the site will close.

Is closed.

< F125072?thread=2118170 > How to migrate your People's War membership

< <./>/dna/ww2/</.> > Another Project closed and ready for the archives. "

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