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23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

For those of you interested in the various Review Forums, we've put together a graph at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A661510 of the number of entries in the various Review Forums over the last few months. Enjoy. smiley - smiley

In case anyone missed it first time round, there's also a graph of Edited Entry Length at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A643664 to keep those statistics fans happy...

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 2

Kirikugi - Muse of Lavalamps

Everyone loves statistics! smiley - wow

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 3

7rob7: Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)

As Mark Twain so rightly put it - "There's three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statisics." smiley - devil

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 4

Kirikugi - Muse of Lavalamps

Yep. You know where you stand in a world of statistics. smiley - ok

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 5

Shea the Sarcastic

I'd rather not know where I *really* stand ... I'm much happier in my world of fantasy ... smiley - magic

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 6

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

mumble-mumble-mumble graph-happy-idjuts mumble-mumble buncha-furstipated-bean-counters mumble-mumble-mumble bet-they-graph-their-fiber-intake-versus-output-putting-new-meaning-to-the-scales-in-the-w.c. mumble-mumble-mumble....

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 7

Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy

smiley - laugh
i'm having trouble interpreting the first graph because i don't know what the abbreviations mean. ww = writer's workshop; cww = collaborative writer's workship; pr = peer review, and that's about all i've figured out, that with the help of some kind soul who dropped by to tell me.
and how can they do a graph for *all* the forums on peer review, anyway? is mine included? it has 4 postings!!!

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 8

LL Waz

Hey! You there in the corner! Yes you, caretaker of ancient monuments and small armchairs. Did you just mutter something about bean counters?

The colours are pretty. I haven't a clue what fm and aww are either. First rule in graph mystification - put the key into code smiley - smiley.

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 9

Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy


23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 10

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Flea Market and Alternative Writing Workshop

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 11

Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy

thank you
but what exactly is the flea market?

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 12

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

the flea market is the place where you the eager researcher can pick up second hand guide entries on the cheap - do you hear 5 pounds? do you hear 3 pounds? Do you hear 1 pound? NO, you dont hear any of those prices because they are giving them away, FREE smiley - cheers.

A sadly large number of entries that get entered into either the PeerReview or the writers workshop are abondoned by their origional authors - If after three months (I think) an entry in the PR or WW threads has been untouched and unremarked upon, and if the author appears to have left the building, some very tidy scouts (Bossel smiley - smiley ) notice the lack of update action and nominate for the Flea Market - once it is there anyone can come along and make a copy of the article, and re-write/edit/augment it until they think it is ready once again for Peer Review... the Flea Market is the place where dead entries go for purgatory before being cast out unloved, unwanted, unrefined.

For a stirling example of how the Flea Market works, check out the Frisbee EDITED guide entry, and the old Peer Review/ Flea Market threads that are attached below it....

Frisbee Entry: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A647831
Flea Market: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A608762

smiley - cheers vp

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 13

Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy

smiley - erm thanks...

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 14

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

thanks for the info, but I've had enough old thread reading for one week. I've been running around the FM and the Aww trying to resurrect some of the entries. There's a little effort going on at the AGGH right now to shlep some of the better ones into a column on the post.

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 15

Alexandra Marie Chaser, Keeper of Voices, graduated Sunday, 8 June - and Very Happy

i'm just tired period
11:33 over here
and by you?

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 16

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Actually, it's 10:30PM I think we are on the same side of the Atlantic.

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 17

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

aw come on guys, its not late yet - barely 4.45 here in edinburgh....

23 November, 2001: Review Forum Stats

Post 18

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

It's later than you think, as Arch Obeler used to say on the radio in an ancient program called 'Lights Out'.

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