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Paul Simon is forty-five ways to leave your lover short

Post 41


'snd a txt, Tex'

smiley - laugh that's about the funniest one I've seen!

- Jordan

Paul Simon is forty-five ways to leave your lover short

Post 42


my favopuite is Lucky star's "Make her sick of your rhymin', Simon!"

Paul Simon is forty-five ways to leave your lover short

Post 43


smiley - laugh

Sometimes, I feel like my comic talent is overshadowed...

- Jordan

Paul Simon is forty-five ways to leave your lover short

Post 44


I think the entire article is a hoot. smiley - biggrin

Hey, remember Hoot Gibson?

Just give her the boot, Hoot. smiley - ok

Paul Simon is forty-five ways to leave your lover short

Post 45


*ushers readers towards this week's Post article A2753246 *

Paul Simon is forty-five ways to leave your lover short

Post 46


*follow Egon's directions to the Post*

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Paul Simon is forty-five ways to leave your lover short

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