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Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
Dibbler Posted Apr 13, 2004
I got panda food, if they like sausages in buns... or I could have a word with my mate Dave an see about gettin us some - real cheap like..
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
AlexoOo Posted Apr 14, 2004
It's OK Hermis, I don't think Pandas eat cats, just bamboo.
All aboard the luxury sailing vessel, "HMS Intrepid East Pole Finder"
(Snappy name, eh? I thought of it myself.)
No, the boat isn't made from bamboo. It er, it just looks like it. er, bamboo effect, yes, that's what it is, definately, yus.
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
Reality Manipulator Posted Apr 18, 2004
The Grand Old Duke of York he had 10,000 postings when he was up the postings list he was up and when he was down the postings list he was done and when he was half way down the posting list he was neither up or down.
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
AlexoOo Posted Apr 20, 2004
Is everyone on board?
*Drags captain Khamsin onto boat*
"You don't wanna stay there mate, didn't you hear, the world is going to sink!!"
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
Existential Elevator Posted Apr 20, 2004
Argh! Sink? What am I going to do?! Gotta find a place to hide *nervous searchings*. Argh!
It's futile! We're going to die! *runs around pointlessly in circles*Argh! Sink? What am I going to do?!
Gotta find a place to hide *nervous searchings*. Argh!
It's futile! We're going to die! *runs around pointlessly in circles*Argh! Sink? What am I going to do?!
Gotta find a place to hide *nervous searchings*. Argh!
It's futile! We're going to die! *runs around pointlessly in circles*Argh! Sink? What am I going to do?!
Gotta find a place to hide *nervous searchings*. Argh!
It's futile! We're going to die! *runs around pointlessly in circles*Argh! Sink? What am I going to do?!
Gotta find a place to hide *nervous searchings*. Argh!
It's futile! We're going to die! *runs around pointlessly in circles*Argh! Sink? What am I going to do?!
Gotta find a place to hide *nervous searchings*. Argh!
It's futile! We're going to die! *runs around pointlessly in circles*
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Apr 20, 2004
The monkeys will rule the earth!
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
Erklehammerdrat Posted Apr 20, 2004
oooooooooooo ah ah ah ah
ou ou ou oooo ah ah ah
(dances around and makes wild and frantic gestures at the unimaginably complex alien monolith)
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
Existential Elevator Posted Apr 21, 2004
*attempts to copy*
*fails. Badly*
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
Dibbler Posted Apr 21, 2004
*jumps up and down and throws a bone up into the air*
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Apr 21, 2004
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
Dibbler Posted Apr 23, 2004
*gets hit on the head with a spaceship and slumps to the ground*
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
Hermi the Cat Posted Apr 26, 2004
*Jumps to the tiny perch up on the main mast of the not-bamboo ship and watches antics...
No I'm not laughing AT you. I'm laughing WITH you.
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
AlexoOo Posted Apr 26, 2004
Yeah, global warming is a terrible thing. (Lovely weather us Brits are having for the time of year though, innit?)
Is everyone on board?
*Starts to winch up the bamboo effect gangplank*
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
Existential Elevator Posted Apr 27, 2004
*gets an unrealistic stuffed parrot to sit on shoulder*
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
Rojo Habe (48-1+2-7) Posted Apr 27, 2004
By Akira100
I doubt if you'll get one reply let alone 10,000
Will these words be more famous in the Famous Last Words stakes than... ...some famous last words I can't bring to mind right now?
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
Dibbler Posted Apr 27, 2004
famous last words like "now is everyone watching? Look, I can put my head in this lions mouth in complete and utter safety"?
Key: Complain about this post
Abdoulie, Zabdoulie, it's all nonsense to me
- 6181: Hermi the Cat (Apr 12, 2004)
- 6182: Dibbler (Apr 13, 2004)
- 6183: AlexoOo (Apr 14, 2004)
- 6184: Existential Elevator (Apr 15, 2004)
- 6185: Reality Manipulator (Apr 18, 2004)
- 6186: Khamsin (Apr 18, 2004)
- 6187: AlexoOo (Apr 20, 2004)
- 6188: Existential Elevator (Apr 20, 2004)
- 6189: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Apr 20, 2004)
- 6190: Erklehammerdrat (Apr 20, 2004)
- 6191: Existential Elevator (Apr 21, 2004)
- 6192: Dibbler (Apr 21, 2004)
- 6193: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Apr 21, 2004)
- 6194: Dibbler (Apr 23, 2004)
- 6195: Hermi the Cat (Apr 26, 2004)
- 6196: AlexoOo (Apr 26, 2004)
- 6197: Hermi the Cat (Apr 26, 2004)
- 6198: Existential Elevator (Apr 27, 2004)
- 6199: Rojo Habe (48-1+2-7) (Apr 27, 2004)
- 6200: Dibbler (Apr 27, 2004)
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