A Conversation for The Return of H2G2 Story Time


Post 21

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

ok..... lets try this,
< smiley - huh>"What did Reginald Darby tell Tim and Bob about??"</ smiley - huh>

smiley - biggrin


Post 22

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

oh oh oh ...that is good...'un...

I can't remember the exact phrase but it's something about "great big things that live beneath oceans."...there may be some mermaids in there as well.

off to check...


Post 23

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Okay so I was wrong. smiley - bigeyes

"Back on the sub a wise old man called Reginald Darby was helping Tim and Bob to get some sense out of the crew and to stop the revolting yellow liquid getting into the decompression chamber."

Well I was close wasn't I?

Wasn't I?

alright no.

I was think about the bit that follows immediately after that bit:

" Afterwards all the men sat round to listen to the wise old man, the Sage Darby, as he told them tales of the Kraken The great White Whales and what happened down at the bottom of the sea."

Nil point.

smiley - smiley


Post 24

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

hehe actually i was thinking about the storys he told "of the Kraken The great White Whales and what happened down at the bottom of the sea."

so i guess thats points awarded smiley - ok

smiley - biggrin


Post 25

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Because Clive copied and pasted it. *hands Knifee and Lateral Thinking starter kit.* smiley - winkeye

Hmmm. I thought I'd lost that point so I decline your kind offer and we'll continue on until we get one we both agree on. smiley - winkeye

Right Q3. smiley - geek

How many nazi stormtroopers burst in on Bob and Jill in the opening scenes followed by the actor posing as a Gastapo officer? smiley - erm

So that's the number of soldiers I'm after NOT including the officer. smiley - biggrin

On a brief aside, what do you think of the new occult/apocolypse theme we've got going on in the forums at the moment - I'm really loving it - can't wait to see how it develops. smiley - ok


Post 26

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

oh thats an easy 1 smiley - smiley
there where 12 storm troopers.....plus 1 officer smiley - biggrin

As for the curent story, i´m loving it escialy now that the The Red Leicester is out of hell again.... I kinda missed him when he died smiley - sadface and Rasputin becoming the President LOL, fantastic smiley - laugh. Although i was thinking the other day that
"The dying pilchard bleeds under a turquoise moon"
hasn´t been metioned in a while......

OK Q4.
< smiley - huh >How many times did bob have to prod the sleeping policeman before he woke up??</ smiley - huh >


Post 27

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

dont worry - I have PLANS for the dying Pilchard, drop by my space and I'll let you know what I've dreamt up, see what you think....

Twice? smiley - erm


Post 28

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

yer twice...... and coming over to say hi smiley - smiley


Post 29

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

1-1 - still level pegging it. smiley - bigeyes

right-o...I'll try and think up another question to tax us.


Post 30

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

What was the "use-by" date on the beached Star-Wars rocket?

smiley - biggrin


Post 31

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

hehe took me a while to get back, but catching up with stuff again......

err, err scratches head...... can't remember '87 i think but cant remember the rest of the date....


Post 32

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.


correct! smiley - smiley

So, let me know what you think the direction the story is heading off in now - climatic fight scene - coolness!!! smiley - wow


Post 33

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

woohoo..... yer i will, i have t find time to catch up on the backlog though..... a bit hard at the moment with RL things like exams to cope with smiley - sadface


Post 34

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Oye! Tell me about it! smiley - groan

disseration, essay, essay, dissertation, dissertation, essay, essay, exam. Freedom.

That's my schedule for the next ooh month or so. I'm currently on the 2nd section of my dissertation.


Post 35

Knifee, Thingite in charge of stuff you shouldn´t run with. Back from being away

err unlucky, although i have that all to look foward to this next school yr smiley - sadface


Post 36

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

okay so this is little bit naughty on my part but know you'll have to catch up with all the new stuff if you wanna get it! smiley - tongueout

What ring-tone does Satan use on his mobile phone?


Post 37

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

smiley - doh

smiley - devil, even.

smiley - online2long

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