This is the Message Centre for Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.
The Officially Un-official H2G2 Meet...
Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing. Posted Apr 16, 2004
"Hope you grow angry, just like you're dear old da', hope you grow up brave and strong, not like me all week and sad. He said daddy, daddy, you're stinking of booze, I kissed him and said kid, I was born to loose but you have the future and the whole world to save, and I hope you remember all the love that I gave..." - Shane McGowan.
The Officially Un-official H2G2 Meet...
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Apr 16, 2004
The Officially Un-official H2G2 Meet...
Evangeline Posted Apr 21, 2004
Rat, Candi, I would still like to meet you. Just can't commit to a date at the moment.
It shouldn't be too much longer before one of those issues is resolved. After that, it's mostly a matter of planning.
The Officially Un-official H2G2 Meet...
Evangeline Posted Jun 25, 2004
It looks like September for that trip. The trial hasn't happened and looks like it won't. Another state got to them first. There is another thing I can't post, but it went quite well. And,the house project is moving along again(finally).
Passport is being sorted. Luggage is on order and should be here in ten days.
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