This is the Message Centre for Encapsulated Life Pod Number 3- Muse of Gibberish

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 1101

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - wow can it be, will pod smiley - wowsmiley - blush and yes gratitude to the person who found our Pod! smiley - cool any chance of finding nighthoover as well? smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh *sits and waits..... smiley - erm I'm sure I was ment to do something today smiley - erm something importnat smiley - erm Sister? Was I calling you today? smiley - biggrin 7 PM my time smiley - biggrinsmiley - coolsmiley - bussmiley - huh

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 1102

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* jumps up and down excitedly *

I had an e-mail from Pod! It sounds as if he is very well indeed smiley - biggrin

Thank you Minimonkey - if he cant be with us I am really pleased he has found such a wonderful love and is so happy.

* sends large supply of Schweppes lemon drinks *

In his email person formally known as Pod sends his warmest regards to everyone here. He did however say that he would not be back on hootoo - he had a wonderful time here and cherished the companionship he found. He is amazed that this thread is still going. However life has changed for him and he finds reminders of his past life (which apart from here was not so great) painful so as he stepped into his future the character of Pod remained behind.

As I think most of you know he followed his heart and moved away from the UK - the best news of all is that

wait for it

Pod is getting married! Now I know why it was important that we liberated the smiley - bubbly fountains in Baiseldon!

* passes round the last of the smiley - bubbly *

Now I guess we had better get back there and make sure that there is lots and lots of it available for the celebrations smiley - wow

* misses Pod but is thrilled he is so happy *

Do you think we will see the Hippo Jazz Band when we get the bus again?

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 1103


What lovely news smiley - smiley

But that doesn't mean we have to damp down the fire and lock the doors does it?

I'm rather comfy here with the papers, I've just got to the property section and an article on second homes. Not that I can afford one, but I do like to dream.

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 1104

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

Well I'm still not ruling out the return of POD!!!

*Eats a cheesy biscuit*

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 1105

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

I remember the days in the Lighthouse Bar with Pod. The whole Zarniway Piano Doctor Who wierd zombie thing that happened. And the wierdness compition. I miss him a lot. smiley - cry

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 1106


POD still has no password, but...he has lots of great super cakes here. They are everywhere.
There is a picture of us both here

It is not very clear, but it is very artistic. The site itself is very interesting.
Will keep you updated and POD will think of a solution for his tragic situation-forgetting the password.
Drink some English lemonade for me, from time to time, I liked it very much while I was in England.
POD said thanks for all the kind words.

Encapsulated Three-Clubbed Life Number for Encapsulated Fan Pods

Post 1107

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Well, I emailed the address I found on the site you gave us, and told him how to get a password for here again, though from what Light said he said, this exact account might not be opened again? Did I understand correctly?

Anyway, smiley - bubbly and smiley - hugs for you both!

Pod's story

Post 1108


There he is -> smiley - smiley

Hello to everyone. I decided to come back - but as a we, a podamonkey, a duet of sorts, born of the union between a pod and a minimonkey. smiley - smoochsmiley - biggrin

What happened, really, is I sold everything I owned and went to Romania. Big change. No more cheese and pickle sandwiches but lots of smiley - cake They have twenty four hour smiley - cake here, and they eat donuts with marmalade, as I may have mentioned.

Myself and minimonkey spend our time collecting fluff. This smiley - winkeye is the solution for all of the cares and worries in the world. I am thinking of writing to Rolf Harris about it, see if he can help with the publicity. He's been collecting fluff for years. Keeps it in a big jar which he calls his "fluffajar". He's painted a face on this jar in Tippex correcting fluid. The man is a genius.

minimonkey has done a great job of telling me how things have been going here at the fanclub, and I have been amazed that it is still going. She read out all your good wishes and thoughts tonight and I just felt too bad about not coming back. It seemed a tiny bit cowardly of me... smiley - blush ... so, myself and minimonkey decided to join forces and become podamonkey.

Thanks too, to 001...
(##smiley - smiley
" "
for inventing a new kind of anti-tank pillow made from smiley - donut crumbs and thereby contributing to world peace. Who's have thought it eh?

We will drop back soon. In the meantime have a sack of mufflewhumps.

Pod's story

Post 1109

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Podamonkey Great to see you here

* adds some fluff to the jar *

Looks like you were right OUZ smiley - smiley

Pod's story

Post 1110


Seems like a good time to stumble on this

Nice to see you around Podamonkey smiley - ok
smiley - cheers

Pod's story

Post 1111

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Yyyyyyyaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy-he's back-yyyyyyyaaaaaaayyyyyyysmiley - wow

smiley - boing


Nice to see you againsmiley - smiley

Pod's story

Post 1112

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

smiley - cool Nice to see you back Pod smiley - cheers vp

Pod's story

Post 1113

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I am, to coin a Portuiguise predatory snufflifish, agast bewildered (as per useual), and very pleased, to find that you have found what you are looking for, long may it last pod, and indeed Podamonkey smiley - cheers have fun, don't panic, and be weird

Pod's story

Post 1114

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Sorry yes, will be good to see you around again Podamonkey...

Pod's story

Post 1115

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Most certainly will, almost, infact as certainly as tomorrow will be slightly less an intersting day than something less interesting thatn tomorrow smiley - erm can't help but think I need to put a bit of work into my analagies, being a trainee teacher and all at the mo ... smiley - biggrin like a pothole in a fire of table legs smiley - huh goodnight all smiley - sleepysmiley - zzz see you two soon smiley - smiley brings back many a memory smiley - smiley keep it frosty and smile smiley - biggrinsmiley - cool

Pod's story

Post 1116


Thanks for all the words of welcome smiley - smiley
It is good to be back.

Thanks for the advice 2Legs,

Having fun is great. We do that a lot.

We do panic, but only between eight and eight thirty every morning, on a strict rota basis...

One thing the world needs more of, and that's rotas. Without a good, solid well formed rota, a gentleman is lost, in my view, quite lost, and in danger of falling into the clutches of perpetual anarchy. That's what our pet moose "gibberish" think's anyhow.

We also have a pet crow called "Robert De Niro" (no relation), who has a history of emotional problems, of only the type that crows could know.

Oh yes, and as for being weird... well, don't get me started on that one.. without a good solid well formed rota.. Hmmm...

minimonkey says hello from the corner of the blue room where she is happily eating a huge bowl of aubergine salad, regretting the tragedy of fate which prevents her from finding the perfect moment in which to stop eating it and hoping that her digestive system won't let her down.

"Digestive system" know that's a fine phrase. It conjours up a team of synchronised biscuits making a large skyscraper using pullies and ropes.

On-line access here in Romania is sadly relatively pricey. We pay per minute and pay quite a bit too.. but, as it happens, it is quite cheap between 20:00 and 22:00 CET. So we can only post for short intervals. Short but fun intervals.

smiley - bubbly

Pod's story

Post 1117

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

*Gives Podamonkey a bearhug*

Its been so long, great too have you back my friend. smiley - smiley

Romania, that sounds fasinating. I'm a seasoned traveller and have visited there about 6 times. I lived there for a couple of months while I saved enough money to move on. It was a bold move to move there full time.

Welcome back

Pod's story

Post 1118

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

yyyaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy welcome back and congrats and per min smiley - yikes

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

Pod's story

Post 1119


WooHooo! Welcome home, Pod and minimonkey too smiley - smiley

I am pleased to hear that 001 continues to be resourceful, his little smiley - donut shaped cushion is still sitting in Miss Moneypenny's office.

*stokes up the fire and looks forward to a few yarns on life in Roumania*

Pod's story

Post 1120

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - smiley I'm jsut so smiley - smiley now, which is good as I wasn't earlier, its quite tricky try to start a revolution against a university smiley - erm I revolted on the steps today, but I fear no one noticed, as I'm quite revolting at the worse of times, and the best of times, I'm sure are yet to come smiley - smiley

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