A Conversation for Australian and NZ Researchers

Australians and all.

Post 1


Hi, I am not actually from perth, but the hills near there (where it does not flood and we don't get all that nasty smoke and smog (but we can look down at the poor sods who live on the flat in all the smog and laugh in a very concited way at their disfortune. At the moment I board at a school in Cunderdin (about 140 kms east of perth), for the simple reason that the education is much more enjoyable.

In a roundabout way, i was hoping to get included in your list of ausssies, 'cuase I couldn't find a link to sign up.

Cheers, Mullett.

Australians and all.

Post 2


G'day Mullett, Both an unfortunate fish and haircut ('cept not spelt da same), I'd love to know how you get your researcher name. To add your name to the list on this page you just have to add a message to this thread: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/classic/F72190?thread=206496 which is now only a few down from the one you posted yourself. How long have you been in the community? I've only just recently come back from Perth (like took the red eye on Sunday back home). I didn't make it out to the hills but I hope to next visit. Anyway, I hope you have fun surfing around h2g2, there's some amazing stuff in here.

Australians and all.

Post 3

cafram - in the states.

Don't bother going to any other thread - you're on the list! smiley - ok

I'm also curious about the name - when I was in year 12 we had the Mullet Wall of Shame in our common room - filled with many many many pictures of weird and wonderful mullets!

Australians and all.

Post 4


If you really need to know, i got my nickname from, wait for it, my surname...Mullett. My first name is robin, so that creates a fair bit of embarrasment. Mullett it is.

Australians and all.

Post 5

cafram - in the states.

righto then! smiley - ok

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