A Conversation for Gatorade


Post 1

The Dancing Tree

I was very disappointed with Gatorade for two reasons. Firstly, I found out that it wasn't some sort of medical help for alligators. And then, when I found out it was a soft drink, I discovered that it wasn't made from real alligators, and mostly from water. Actually, this adds a third thing: it's mostly made from water and tastes of ... water. Why not drink water? (Unless, of course, you live in a swamp, in which case Gatorade is slightly more healthy for you.


Post 2

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Gatorade is named in honour of the Florida Gators, I believe. Which establishes a taxonomic legitimacy at least on a par with "Girl Guide Cookies". Which are neither made by; or worse, made from actual Girl Guides.

Gatorade Goodness

Post 3


On the contrary, Gatorade is wonderful because it tastes mainly of water. Viewed from this angle, you can drink a great deal of Gatorade, much like you can drink a great deal of water, and not get sick in the way that drinking large amounts of Coke or vodka makes you sick. Said another way, Gatorade is water that tastes better than regular water.

Gatorade Goodness

Post 4


I fear the weird-colored sports drinks? Have you not seen the commercials? Drinking sports drinks makes you sweat in vibrant colors! That can't be healthy!

Gatorade Goodness

Post 5

The Dancing Tree

So, is it true that if one drinks large quantities of Lucozade, one's sweat will be fizzy? I hope so, that'll catch all those athletes with their guard down!

Gatorade Goodness

Post 6

Researcher 37263

Yes, I worry about the fluorescent sweat, also! I don't think you should consume anything that glows except sweet'n'sour sauce.

Gatorade Goodness

Post 7

Ryan Grove

Thankfully, recent research has established that the droplets of brightly colored -- in some cases glowing -- sweat are only slightly painful and in fact can be very enjoyable once you get used to the concept. Many studies have led this researcher to believe that one of Gatorade's primary selling points is the multicolored bodily fluids it produces. You can expect this article to be updated soon with this breaking information.

Gatorade Goodness

Post 8


Gatoraid: some of the Myths debunked.

Yes Gatoraid was named after the Florida Gators... The company had a whole football team to experement on for several years... so they developed the floresent yellow beverage. did you know that if you take a bottle of regular (ORIGIONAL) gatoraid and shine a flashlight through it, it glows very brightly? well it does.

I conducted a long term consumtion study on myself in '92. *(actually I worked at Walt Disney World, Orlando and they gave it to their cast members for free who worked on the parades... As I was a costuming host on the Spectro Magic Parade, I consumed several 32oz containers of G each evening... (I am terminally thirsty, and walking 14-15 miles carying costume parts, running for thing... in florida in 100% humitity makes you thirsty).... I can say it had no adverse affects apon me, other then the promotion of long long run-on sentences. and a slight flouressing in complete darkness, and 7 toes on my left foot.


Post 9

Unnecessarily Obscure Reference

Are you GATORADEPT? Take this quick quiz to test your "gatoradeptivity"...

1. Do you play a lot of sports?
2. Do you have an aversion to consuming anti-freeze colored beverages?
3. Do you sweat in a variety of colors?
4. Are you as dumb as a rock?

If you answered "yes" to any or all of these questions, then you are "Gatoradept" and should stay away from my daughter.


Post 10


Gatorade tastes absolutely horrible. And the "flavors" have very silly names. And the american ads for them
are so disgusting with all those people running around with flourescent sweat dripping off them. The other ad,
the "anything you can do i can do better" is equally nasueating. I'm proposing a world wide ban on this
disgusting product.


Post 11

Unnecessarily Obscure Reference

Gatorade is to tasty beverages as L. Ron Hubbard is to serious theosophic scholorship.


Post 12

The Dancing Tree

Thankfully, as far as I know, this vile product has yet to make it to the UK. However, one of the USA's equally horrible drinks, "Sunny Delight", which is neither sunny nor delightful, is selling rather well here. The advert even shows some idiot deciding they'd choose "Sunny Delight" over real orange juice. Oh dear ...

Sunny my arse

Post 13


I had the displeasure of tasting a 'sunny delight' the other day. And I was wondering why they made it in such little bottles........
When in the world will they bring Ribena to the US?

Sunny my arse

Post 14

Researcher 39486

Speaking for many americans, I hope they ship all the Gatorade out of this country. If I am going to drink something that tastes that vile, it damn well better have alcohol in it.

Gatorade Goodness

Post 15

Dandelion Pegleen

I concur - As a native-born Yank who had the vast good fortune to be brought up in Her Majesty's Untied Kingdom of Great Britannia & Northern Hibernia (that's England for my fellow Americans), I must have inherited the cultural bad taste gene. I ADORE all artificially-flavored (note spelling) junk beverages & candy! Gimme gimme gimme! Gatorade, Fruit Punch, Grape Soda - you name it, if it's a weird colour & an even stranger taste, I will drink it (although I draw the line at bleach or hull cleaner. I would prefer to keep my insides intact and in their current location).

Here's a Gatorade to all fellow Researchers! smiley - empty

Horrible drinks

Post 16

The Dancing Tree

Well, I had the misfortune of drinking Sunny Delight, Lemon and Lime flavour while on holiday in Ibiza. It tasted like toilet cleaner smells. It even looked like it too. Hey, you don't think ...

Horrible drinks

Post 17

Global Village Idiot

Gatorade is the foulest-tasting drink I've tried since as an 18-year-old we had one of everything in our local pub, and I drew the Campari and Soda.

Lucozade Sport knocks spots off it - and from the last time I did enough exercise to get a cramp, I'd have to say it works for its intended purpose too.

The only US drinks we need in the UK are Coke and Snapple - other than that we'll survive on Tizer and Vimto quite happily.

Bad taste worth while

Post 18

Wandering Corespondent 43532

Althought G tastes dreadfull you can use its medical properties to your advantage. Instead of mixing a fruit juice with your alcohol instead try the G equivlant. G is recomended for hangovers and will ease the hurt after a long night of boozin.

Horrible drinks

Post 19

Researcher 51021

Vimto is a purple fizzy drink made in Britain which has never received the popular patronage it so richly deserves. It's name is a clever combination of its two chief ingredients: Vim and ,um, Tomatoes. I don't think that last bit is strictly true.

Horrible drinks

Post 20


I reckon Vimto is mostly moist sugar with a bit of lip reddening colour.


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