A Conversation for Writing Guidelines

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 301


Ah well, it'll go soon, then what will you do with yourself?!!! I suppose they will get you to write it all up as a "holiday project"!!

Hey, a trip to Chessington, the zoo? Aren't you the lucky one smiley - winkeye
I haven't been to a zoo for ages ..... hmmmm!

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 302


Well, I felt like saying that they suck... They even beat up one audience for not liking theier humor... =/
I went to a zoo once =) And I gave an elephant yellow M&M's... he liked it and started to dance =) I like elephants =)

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 303


What did he (or you sure about that?) do when you gave him choccy ones?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 304

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

LOL. smiley - smiley

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 305


Shrips.. didn't get the question.. If you're wondering why I called the elephant "he" is difficult to explain.. I come from Iceland and here we talk different =)
Didn't catch the rest.. =T Sowwy..

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 306


Hey Snikkers,
Zat's OK!!
I think I was trying to be too clever smiley - smiley I thought there were chocolate (brown) coloured M&Ms as well as yellow ones! Don't worry about the "whether the oliphant was he or she", I just wondered if it was really a "he". Maybe the different genders like different coloured M&Ms??
(I think this is another case of nothing coming from something, that is: the above coming from my poor brain) smiley - winkeye
Night night

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 307

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Chessington is a theme park! It used to be a zoo but now the zoo is mixed in with the theme aprk, I think there's an overhead train which goes over the zoo, and that's really cool!

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 308


School is something that came from nothing! Cave pics-then spoken words were how info was passed along...then came something that is called school. Started as nothing & now look what it's become! But, I guess the question isn't did school come form nothing, so just skip over this part. I've only had six hours sleep in the past three days or shall I spell THAT daze? If I keep on like this...I'll become nothing! Hey, first one of us to pass over to the other side...how 'bout coming back & telling the rest of us the answer?!?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 309

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Hey Pandora!!!!!
School uniform, where did that nasty piece of work come from?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 310


I am in an old hippie-school so if you feel like dressing up in a plastic bag, that's OK.
Some say that the first atoms came from nothing.. I'm not sure about that but... I thing I'll just stop now...

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 311


Doh! Well, you live & learn smiley - smiley

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 312


Isn't the answer 42 (or was it 46, maybe 62, or even .... forty something?).

Where did numbers come from? There must have been 0 to begin with, therefore numbers come from nothing!!

Tell me I haven't found the ultimate answer smiley - smiley

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 313


Sorry, it's not Pandora, but me - I've butted in!!

Don't know where they originate from exactly, but the whole idea of them was that children from different backgrounds: financially, socially, etc.; could not be picked out. Oh dear, I haven't explained that very well. What I mean is that the kids looked & dressed the same, so you couldn't tell who was rich or poor, neither could they.

Of course, it also shows which school you belong to, so ...... if you cause trouble out of school, you could be reported to the school you attend because the uniform (horrible word) could be recognised.

Also, they like the kids looking smart & as one!!!!! smiley - winkeye

So, what colour & style is your uniform? Is it really that bad? We had to wear hats - where on earth did they come from - maybe not earth?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 314


Shirps.. I have to tell you this.. first there was one.. then they invented zero, so if zero must be nothing one must be more nothing than zero.. =/
Check out my new website at http://snikkers.cjb.net/
Just got updated =)

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 315


The 'uvver 'alf said "rubbish" !!! How dare he!

I've got to think on this one.

Will visit your website tomorrow - gotta go!

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 316


It really depends on how you define "nothing." Really, since "nothing" has been the traditional antithesis to "something", "nothing" is already part of a system or set of natural laws that are based in duality.
If you wade though this there be treasure at the end mateys. ARRRR!
RE: the speed of a thought. If you use the model that a thought is a sympathetic flow of bio-electricity through the brain in response to a stimuli, then electricity becomes the measure; therefore, the thought moves at the speed of light (SOL). I believe that the current figure of the SOL is 86,000mi./sec., or 300,000 km/sec. This actually works out to 51,600,000 mi./min., or 18,000,000 km/min. (You know who this is for.)
When considering the models in current use, please remember that they are subject to revision. It only takes one wacky professor to change what we KNOW to be the TRUTH. Truth is determined by our evaluation of phenomena with a surprisingly limited set of senses (see Flat Earth Theory, Geocentric Universe, Earth created in seven days).
These constructions are the human mind's inclination to try to organize phenomena into coherent patterns. Often this is dictated by the culture, or sub-culture, that has most influenced them.
I study science and world religion [Latin: to rejoin, as in a tree branch, to that which it was separated from, as in a tree.] and philosophy [Greek: (approx.) the study of love between family, more specifically brothers]. I have never personnally met ANY of the theory orginators or authors of ANY of the ideas that I study(well one Anthropology Prof, ask if you want the story)...so it is with not just a grain of salt, but an entire shaker that I approach ancient OR current knowledge.
Remember the shift in the form and meaning of a simple message when it is transmitted around a circle? With SO MUCH distance, both cultural and temporal, separating us from the observations of the learned ones among us...it is easy to construct meanings that were not intended in the original communication design.
Do study and consider, but with the colophon that, "An apple to one is a pomme to another." Humans have fought wars over simple differences in the interpretation of texts forged to gentle them down and cultivate understanding.

Back to the subject, much ado about nothing. A Buddhist premise states that the natural laws HERE, and in some interpretations EVERYWHERE include the principles of:

Dependent Origination: In the positive this states that all things come about due to, and contingent on, causes which precede the observed phenomena. In the negative this states that anything which appears to be self- or independently-arisen only seems so because we do not have the penetrating insight, or technology, to see the preceding causes-and-conditions.

Impermanence: Also called the transitory nature of things, denotes the basic belief that things change, whether we like it or not. The mind, the world, the internet are all subject to change without notice...but not without prior cause, even if we cannot perceive it.
Cause-and-Effect: also called Karma [Sanscrit: action], these are the causes and conditions which conspire to bring about our current menu of life. What we do OR don't do affects the very fabric through which you move, working with ALL OF IT to create the conditions that we act within. Wierd huh?

So "nothing", by its' nature (dualistic), is subject to dependent arising. There is no real beginning, but a point that our minds can't go beyond until better technology or mental evolution occurs.
Your thoughts are welcome as I am new at this.

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 317


Earthquakes... who needs them =/
Anyway... I think that the beginning and the end are the same thing.. That is that everything (including nothing and something) starts at Big Bang and then again when it starts it ends as well. So what I'm saying is that when the world comes to an end it is to make way for new one.. Big Bang destroys and creates....
Have a nice day =)

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 318


Er, hey, I have an idea. What if there never was Nothing, ya know? No beginning or ending. Like, maybe things ALWAYS have been.
This is hard to swallow, I know, becasue people only really deal with finite things. But, we're talking about a really big Universe here, maybe more than that. I don'tsee whay there had to Nothing at one point and then have it replaced by Somehting. WHy can there not be Something all the time?

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 319


Snikkers, re your home page - so, come on, get working on those photos & the rest of the site - looks like it could turn into something good & different smiley - smiley

Can Something come from Nothing?

Post 320


According to science, energy cannot be created or destroyed, so, in my humble opinion, 'nothing' can NOT exist. Even in a vacuum there are atoms/molecules, though they may not be visible or measurable because of the distance between. 'Nothing' is as obscure a concept as the quantification of infinity.

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