A Conversation for Writing Guidelines

alchoholic drinks

Post 81


I'm a professional drinker largly due to the fact that I've never had a hangover. There are actually two things bad about never suffering hangovers. First, I tend to drink alot and often, not having the fear of the morning after. Second, I'm always the guy that has to take care of all the whiners the next day! Small price to pay really. So, here's some advice that I've passed to many people in realspace, maybe I can help some people now in cyberspace.

To avoid a hangover, or at least minimize the damage, take a B complex vitamin and drink some water. Your body uses both of these to process the alchohol out of your system. When you slither out of bed the morning after a good drunk, take another B and a good multi vitamin, and an optional pain reliever, and drink some more water. If you're queasy, try and drink water that's room temp, it won't shock your system when it hits bottom. Then get in the shower while the coffee is brewing. There's two reasons for the shower.

1) you stink, really, I'm not kidding here, you smell like a drunk.

2) your body has increased blood circulation near the skin while you're drinking, which explains the warm "rush" that happens sometimes while imbibing. This causes increased skin temperature which causes increased sweating and, you guessed it, number 1 above.

After your shower you can go ahead and drink some coffee, since you already had some water and gave the vitamins some time to get into your system. Now eat something, if you drink like I do you more than likely used up alot of your energy reserves last night. Gotta build up your strength, you have a long day ahead of yourself and you'll want to feel your best by noon o'clock, that's when you can start drinking again!

Dam, it's 12:11pm here, I gotta go, all this talk of drinking has made me rather thirsty.

alchoholic drinks

Post 82


That was a nice story, thanks for sharing. Actually it's vit. C that's depleted when drinking & caffine can CAUSE a headache! I envy you not getting hang overs! A few glasses of Marlot & the next day I'm shattered smiley - sadface Cheers Dear!!! smiley - winkeye

alchoholic drinks

Post 83


BMW's are loverly - but you are right - not too many - not cause of the alcoholic content, but the damage it does to your purse! Or wallet for that matter.

However, best student drink (and if I can make it out of uni) is the good ole Snakebite and Black. A intoxicating mixture of cider, lager and blackcurrant (which in anything else is horrible - I know I am wierd!) - cheap and after a few pints, you are away with the fairies. Believe me, after three of those, three Blastaways, a tequila slammer... night goes blank for while.... and last of all a double Baileys - I lost my shoes, socks, vision and finally the liquid content of my stomach and gained a lecture from a friend who thought I was a little bit too drunk. Well, it was the last night of my first year smiley - winkeye

alchoholic drinks

Post 84


Back in the "good 'ol days" I used to drink Poor Man's Black Velvet (similar to yours). The bartenders would never mix it, so the lads used to go up to the bar & order half a cider & half a guiness, drink a pint down quickly & give me the glass to mix the two - that was enough for me - a few pints & nothing else would keep walking but v. happy!!

Meanwhile, HELP! My offspring is back home after 3 years at uni & is drinking all my red wine - I am treated to a box a week by the other half, but it's going too quickly now!! Now she has a cold & started on the whisky!! She claims she doesn't drink much - hah!

alchoholic drinks

Post 85


What is Rich Man's Black Velvent made of?

alchoholic drinks

Post 86


Hey Shirps...hate ta' say so...but 'tis time ta' hide your booze smiley - bigeyes
Little Miss Grad. can go out & earn her pocket $$$$ for drinks!!! I like to make my own cough med.: large mass of burbon (or whatever similar you have handy), lemon juice, & sugar...lots of it! It not only stops the cough but puts you into dreamland before the cough comes back smiley - tongueout Zzzzzzzzzzzz

alchoholic drinks

Post 87


Isn't is Guinness and champagne? I'm pretty sure that exists as a drink...

alchoholic drinks

Post 88


Is there NOTHING you folks won't drink?!? smiley - winkeye

alchoholic drinks

Post 89


let me think about that one...!

alchoholic drinks

Post 90


Times up!!!!! smiley - winkeye

alchoholic drinks

Post 91


Well, if I was stranded in the desert on my own I may just say I'd drink ANYTHING!!!
However, being in this "green & pleasant land", I have to admit I do draw certain limits smiley - winkeye

alchoholic drinks

Post 92


May I just say...Shirps...Bagpuss...you crack me up smiley - tongueout I'm so glad to meet you, Bp! I have a feeling you'll be adding q good bit of humor 'round "our" spots! It's funny how so many stick together...I guess that's how it goes...there's a thought about society that loosely goes: many hundreds of years ago, we all lived in tribes. Some tribes were friendly & helped eachother. As you go through life
when you meet someone from your tribe you are friends right off the bat. The same goes to the explination of why sometimes we "just don't like someone"...there's nothig you can REALLY put your finger on, you just don't care for the person...they came from a different tribe-or a waring tribe-if you will. h2g2 seems to have the ability to bring together many tribes. But to me, it seems that there are more closely related tribe here than many other places you meet folks. It's a nice feeling to find so many friendly tribes in one place smiley - winkeye

alchoholic drinks

Post 93


Its a strange thing but i think its something to do with poeple that like sci-fi they are friendlyer or something i once saw a hotel manager on tv saying that the friendlyest poeple he had ever had were a star trek convention no trouble at all the week before a rugby team was there half recked the place two weeks before that the police had a party there one of the biggest fights he had ever seen but the star trek fans come every year never any trouble they even help clean up.
shirps who are you trying to kid you would drink turps if you could get your hands on it the only thing you will not drink is water because of what fish do in it.

alchoholic drinks

Post 94


TL, you mean swim smiley - winkeye

I just recorded off pay-per-view: Galaxy Quest! Have you seen it? I watched it twice!!!

Are you able to see the Linier Comet from the U.K.?!? 'Tis nearly as awsome as the Hail Bop a couple years ago!!! I've been sitting w/a nice glass of wine watching it cross the night sky! WOW!!! I'd love to live long enough to space travel...just once! Ah, perhaps more wine will get me off to a flying start smiley - tongueout

alchoholic drinks

Post 95

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

NO WAY!! Why didn't you say THAT in your email??!! I'm running outside now...smiley - tongueout

alchoholic drinks

Post 96

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

ok, you got me. I jumped up, grabbed a beer, ran outside to see, and the sun is already up!!! I think I was a bit late. So I get ready to sit back down, but my stirring has awakened the animals, who track my every step, till I can resist no longer and I have to feed them. Such is a day in the life.

alchoholic drinks

Post 97


Pandora, Galaxy Quest is brilliant!! As for the linier Comet - no I didn't see it - will you be able to see it tonight or was it for one night only? I stupidly went out for 'one' - got back on the last train from London to my house and went to bed - still feel quite happy and very odd.... smiley - winkeye

alchoholic drinks

Post 98


No it looked very good but my local cinema just closed down so i will have to wait till it comes out on vidio.

alchoholic drinks

Post 99


TL...please see it asap! I really watched it twice in a row, just to see what I missed when I was laughing...plus the visuals are great! And at one point I was nearly in tears! Good movies are hard to find!

Bp...you can see the comet all month long, it's just now is the best...throughout the middle of the month. There's a TV station here that is just about computers...I missed the site...but there's a web that is tracking the comet, you can see nice details on TV! My telescope also will track it, when connected to Mac-but, alas, I know not how to work it! Rrrrrr! Lost the instructions during the move! The men wouldn't "let" me help...we won't talk about my stained glass lamp(s) that were cracked...or mention the crystel either...Rrrr! But it's necessary to have nice strong men about-esp. during a move smiley - winkeye

alchoholic drinks

Post 100


Good films are hard two find i must say you are right there but there is nothing like a good film one that can make you laugh over and over again i do like the old british for that some of the new films have one or two good jokes and thats it i don't know what british T.V. programs you can get over there but only fools and horses, just good friends,dear john, and porrage are just classics the first one only fools would make you laugh so much it was the best show the BBC ever made if you say"you plonker" to any brit they know what you mean but one i am sure you would like is red dwarf a sci-fi show that is funny it will never work they turned it down twice then change there minds give it a low budget and it is still going ten years on with a film being talked about as well*

*look up the books better than life and the last human both red dwarf books by grant-naylor (thats two people)

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