A Conversation for Writing Guidelines

alchoholic drinks

Post 1


The pare and vodka


1 bottle of vodka (should be one litre)
4 or 5 pares


- Take one shotglass of vodka
- Take one small slice of pare
- Breathe out all air you have in your lungs
- Shot the (straight)vodka
- Eat the pare slice
- Say "HOOOA"

You shouldn't spend more than 1 h 30 min at the most


One tend to get really drunk, and have a really bad morning the following day.
To maximize the effect; do not stand up until the whole bottle is emtied.

alchoholic drinks

Post 2


1 remark if i may.....(after 5 minutes...)
i was polite and u didnt actualy allow me to remark but i will.
if u add a viagra pill u will enhance the earthqake syndrome.

alchoholic drinks

Post 3


Hey, fellow drinkers...does anyone know how to make an: Oh God? I
drank rather more than my share sailing around the Virgin Islands.
I know it has: coconut, pinapple, and three or more shots of ???
They are toooooo good. The result being...drinking way too many, then
'trying' to stand up. The result was always the same...as I toddeled
off to my cabin, I would say,"Oh God!" But I NEVER had a hangover from
this drink. Nor, what I refer to as a hang under...where you start to
not feel very well & you have'nt been to sleep yet. Now that I think of it I never got 'the spins' either! However, I did awaken one early
morning, with sea water splashing my face, and dolphins swimming along both sides of me...I was (somehow?) way up in the rope thingy at the
bow of the clipper! Talk about a rude awakening! Sheesh!!! But really
if you know how to make one PLEASE, PLEASE tell me...they'er so yummy!
And you really might like them too! Eat, drink & get high...for tomarrow we may die. PEACE, Pandora

alchoholic drinks

Post 4

Researcher 118813

You meen piña colada? Pineapple juice and coconut rum ++...?
Anyway, if it's Piña Colada you mean, I totally agree with you.


alchoholic drinks

Post 5


No David, although you hit on one of my favs.!!!
This drink is called an 'Oh God'. It has rum, brandy and a couple of something elses that for SOME reason I'm not able to remember! It's
truely unlike anything you've ever tasted! It'll make your mouth happy
just to be on your face! I hope someone knows how to make one...I'd hate to spend thousands of dollars to retrace my staggerings just to find out how to make one!
Nice try though. Thank you. Pandora

alchoholic drinks

Post 6


Beware: Warning given to young teenage daughter: "Don't mix your drinks, eg: beer then vodka.

Young teenage daughter returns home with friends: mascara down cheeks, tears, "Mum, I've got some really good mates!" in a drunken drawl.

Next morning: "Honest, I didn't mix my drinks. I had two rum & blacks, 2 vodkas & finished with a brandy."

Explanation: She thought mixing drinks was drinking long (lager) & a short (scotch). She exclaimed she had only been drinking shorts!

A few years later, she's finishing her degree & going on to a PhD in research!!

alchoholic drinks

Post 7


GOOD ONE! smiley - winkeye

alchoholic drinks

Post 8


why do we need all these mixtures, surely special brew and merreydown does it all,
all these people i see at the side of the road have no stress problems.

alchoholic drinks

Post 9


Ooooo, varity is the spice if life...smiley - winkeye

alchoholic drinks

Post 10


PHd: Now seriously ........smiley - smiley, should I tell her or let her find out for herself?

alchoholic drinks

Post 11


What? When? Who? Huh?!? What'd I miss?!? By ALL means take pity and
tell me...come on then, spit it out...smiley - winkeye

alchoholic drinks

Post 12


surely any drink that makes you say "OH GOD" is an oh god. yes/no?

alchoholic drinks

Post 13


Hellooooooo Pandora

Re my previous message and your message before that in reply to my message before that one!!!! Should I tell my daughter what PhD really stands for?????????

alchoholic drinks

Post 14


Oh. Duh. I'd have to say that would be a no! It took the wind out of my sails. And after working so hard to EARN that title...please be kind and allow that beautilful babe to bask in all her glory! smiley - winkeye
Anyway those who felt the need to tell me the meaning were the type who come up to you at a cocktail party & ask what type of degree you have...in other words, snobs! Who needs 'em? Protect her if you can!
She's got enough on her mind as it issmiley - smiley

alchoholic drinks

Post 15


Cheers, I won't tell her. She has really slogged hard - it hasn't come naturally & she has always researched everything (maybe too much) since the beginning, so I agree, she deserves her glory!

I'm really pleased my "beautiful babe" (she'd love that!!) has kept her feet on the ground. My cousin, now emigrated to USA, was (maybe still is)so cocksure of himself to everyone, even all the family, giving lectures with an air of superiority - at least I knew how many toes I had without taking off my shoes & socks & counting, that's when we were about 5!! She still talks normally, well ... as normal as anyone her age!!

Usually the "smart asses" are eaten up with jealousy if the truth be known, plus they are usually lazy slob type creatures. Normal people are pleased for those who've done well. Gotta go, get my second full bodied red wine, glass that is, not bottle ...... yet!!!
Thanks for coming back to me!

alchoholic drinks

Post 16


Beware home brews - Set the scene: some years back, seated round at living history encampment (English Civil War Society) singing, drinking & generally quite happy, then came the home brew.

I never found out what was in it, but I ended up with my body absolutely rigid, hadn't a clue what was going on & two hefty soldiers carrying me back to the tent - still in a sitting position!!!

This was all beautifully described to me the following day.

Wish I'd found the recipe!!

alchoholic drinks

Post 17


Brings to mind my pappa's homemade straberry wine...as we all sat around the TV watching Bonanza, there were a series of explosions! I said,"I smell cotton candy?!?" My dad yelled, "MY WINE!" at least the house smelled good & sweet for severl weeks smiley - winkeye

Glad your 'beautiful babe' will be kept from the nasty labels, as you decribed, the jealous slobs felt the need to pass off onto me. It aways came soooo easy for me. Like that was what I was put on the Earth to do...I was actually sued by a psychologist, who wanted me to be forced to practice no closer to him than 50 miles. When the judge asked why, he said,"She'll take all my clients!" When His Honor stopped laughing, he asked if I was better at therapy than he? The answer was "Yes, & she charges less too!" HA! The judge ordered the idiot to pay me $1,000. for bothering me! (wich he never paid) smiley - smiley

It's a well known fact...when a therapist 1st starts a practice, they feel God like, after a patient suicides, or some other such trauma...
we are brought crashing back to Earth & are for ever- humble healers! The relative of which you speak is most likely mentally ill.
There's alot of that with regard to therapists! Masking their own disorders behind other people's troubles. I wish your daughter well!
And the same for you...

I'd truely enjoy hearing more about your involvement in the English Civil War...if you wouldn't mind. If it bothers you, just put it aside. I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable. I tried so hard to join the US Navy, like my dad (he was in the Navy Air Corps) but alas
my flat feet did me in!!! Flat feet! Sheesh! Didn't even know there WAS a problem until the Navy said so! smiley - winkeye I'll have a nice glass of slightly dry red wine myself! Room temp, of course! Cheers!

alchoholic drinks

Post 18


Hi there,
Thanks for the interest! The English Civil War Society: an historical re-enactment society for a period of British history called the English Civil War (Cromwell chopped the head off Charles I) which was the beginning of Parliament ruling the country & not just the Royal head of state! Phewwwww! Not a bad summing-up, if I say so myself.
If you want to know more I'll tell you another night - my arms & hands hurt.
'Scuse for asking, but what exactly is cotton candy? Is it what we call candyfloss (i.e spun sugar)?
There is justice in the world! smiley - smiley
You're not masking your own troubles behind your therapy work are you? If you are, it's an extremely clever mask smiley - winkeye
I've had almost a whole bottle of "correct temperature"(!) red wine, the other half had a glass ;-( so should sleep tonight!!!
Night - night.

alchoholic drinks

Post 19


Hello friend. Yes cotton candy is spun sugar.
The re-enactment sounds VERY interesting!!! When you're up to it, I'll be up for it! Sorry 'bout the painful hands!
Naw, I really don't have any troubles to speak of! Most everything in my World is happy! Hmmm, could THAT be my mask?!? Nope...somtimes a cigar is just a cigar! smiley - winkeye G-Night..sweet dreams.......Pandy

alchoholic drinks

Post 20


Mornin' cruel world...Well it is after too much of the fallie over juice and not enough of the line your stomach well like your mom told you to stuff?

Interesting conversation and although I'm new to this whole H2G2 thingy-m-bob I can't quite help wondering what I've been doing all my internet life so far.

Anyway, while I'm here and on the subject, does anyone know a really good cure for not getting a hangover before you start...

I'm going to a Christenting today and there's goingto be a lot of my friend there who still get drunk for a living, (commonnly known as cabin crew to anyone else), and I know that the booze will be flowing and I just want to avoid the day after feeling before I actually go.

Anyhow, sorry for the long foirst entry, jut kind of got carried away..

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