A Conversation for Writing Guidelines

alchoholic drinks

Post 41


May be she as tryed the drink and that is why you have not heard from her.

alchoholic drinks

Post 42


That just may be the case!!! I await with baited breath!!

alchoholic drinks

Post 43


Shirps, the wole idea of that stupid movie was to feel as though it was really happening...now thery'er coming out with another, I haven't heard what they will be calling it. The Blair W.P., won some award fron the Independent Film Industry, why? I'll never know...the ending was the main let down for me!

I can't get my other half interested in h2g2...when I 'try' to tell him some things, I can see his eyes glaze over with the thought of power tools dancing in his head! smiley - winkeye Don't you give a worry to Shirps
he...or she...never can tell around here...has been very well behaved and given some good advise to some of the younger folks! And still has a mind working well! There's no hanky-panky going on here. Just a few people with the same interests talking to eachother. Would you be interested in signing up?!? We'd love to have you!

As for your comments about why people 'have to get back with you'. My
experience in local politics has been, people, many with a small bit of power feel it necessary to pretend they are important! Therefore they always have to check their book, as soon as I would hear that I'd interupt with,"Please do, I'll wait." You'd be surprised who quickly you'll get an answer! HA! They set the tone...I just chime in! smiley - winkeye

I hope Liz likes the Bloody Brains...couldn't get Bear to put it near his mouth! More for me! HIC! smiley - bigeyes

alchoholic drinks

Post 44


Hi Pandora

Re your previous message: Je ne comprends pas! (That's almost the only bit of French I know - forever saying it in class - many years ago!):
Who is Mrs Shrips? What has she written, i.e. where is it? Should I feel I have an enemy?

Club night tonight - all sorted!! Great demonstrator - very good artist & entertaining with it - eyebrows similar to Salvador Dali!!

My other half wouldn't dream of going online & chatting like this, but does understand how I feel about it, so bonus points to him! I must admit he screwed up his face when I described the bloody brains to him - I've never seen him totally blasted .... yet,& it's been 6 years!!

alchoholic drinks

Post 45


Shirps...please forgive my stupidity, I did'nt know if you were male or female!!! For awhile, I just thought you were a gay man! HA! So,
I would retract my last invite & Welcome MR. Shirps for a good snoop around! smiley - winkeye
My mom was the only other lady who liked a good belt whom I've ever known...& encouraged me to do the same! When she died I put a carton of her fav cigs, a lighter and a bottle of screwdriver in with her!
The undertaker said it was the strangest request he's ever heard!!!
Just wait 'til hes takes mesmiley - winkeye HIC!!! smiley - bigeyes

alchoholic drinks

Post 46


That's OK. The great thing about all this is that sometimes you don't know whether you are talking to a male or female (unless it's really obvious) so all that gender stuff gets lost & real converses go on.

I reckon when I go they'll put in a box of red wine & maybe a bottle of Southern Comfort (Oooooh, it's ages since I had "some" of that!), Tia Maria, Brandy, Malt Whiskey, & so on & so forth!! just to help me along in my next life, of course smiley - winkeye

Mind you, It would be a terrible waste as I don't want to be put underground - if you get my gist.

I reckon I'll have given up the cigs before I go (can't really afford it now). smiley - sadface

Someone reply back with something cheerful - what a subject to get to!!!!!

alchoholic drinks

Post 47


In life there is only two things to worry about thas wether your healthy or unhealthy if your healthy there's nothing to worry about if your unhealthy theres only two things to worry about.

alchoholic drinks

Post 48


thats wether your going to get better or go into hospital if your going to get better theres nothing to worry about if your going into hospital theres only two things to worry about.

alchoholic drinks

Post 49


Thats wether your going to live or going to die if your going to live theres nothing to worry about if your going to die theres only two things to worry about.

alchoholic drinks

Post 50


Thats wether your going up or going down if your going up theres nothing to worry about if your going down your going to be that busy chating to all your old friends what time will you have to worry.

alchoholic drinks

Post 51


Geez, TIMELORD Shirps asked to cheered up! Bet you're fun at funerals!
I happen to be dying very slowly of a muscle disease caused by an amino acid that was tainted. The ONLY thing I worry about is how my hubby will react when that time arrives! He's very emotional and has loved me since he was 13!!! He's now 36. The ones who leave this Earth are the ones going for a new adventure. The ones left behind are the ones who are sad at their loss. If I wern't married, I'd have no cares at all! I have my funeral all planned with our local undertaker. I'll be taken to the city for creamation...then they UPS my ashes back in a cardboard box! I said, cool...I've travedled all types of ways, but NEVER by mail smiley - winkeye Then my pal Rick & my hubby will go to the ocean & toss me back from where I came! I just requested they they mind the way the wind's blowing! HA! I'd hate to land on their faces! smiley - bigeyes spit-
cough-gag-etc. smiley - smiley

Shirps, you've got me wanting a Lond Island Iced Tea, with all that talk of S.C.!!! And our Villages only liqure store closed over a year
ago! Now it's a fifty mile round trip just to get a bottle! smiley - sadface I use
to own a Carry-Out (beer, wine, etc.) but sold it to go to college for
psychology. Then just as I was raking in the money, er, I mean, helping lots of people...I became ill! Poopy-butt! smiley - sadface Now I just sit around our cabin. Let the dog out, let the dog in, let the dog out, and so on all day. That's why I love h2g2 so! I've met all sorts of people...not the same as traveling, but some I've befriended E me & send pictures...so I don't feel so trapped! And YOU my dear brighten my day more than most. I am glad to know you're a lady...now I will open up more. I didn't want to say certian things lest you take it the wrong way. But you do have a good point about the gender issue...at times it's best not to know. I've found some men here disregard what I say-because I am a woman! But that's okay. Their loss smiley - winkeye

Since I have a chest cold, I'm going to make a nice pot of tea and load it, er, put a bit of brandy in...strictly for the cold smiley - bigeyes I can't wait to hear how your Beautiful Babe likes those brains! Sorry for going on for so long. You should hear me in person!!! smiley - winkeye

alchoholic drinks

Post 52


I only put that up as its funny am sorry if to hear your not well and will do my best to cheer you up.
I to would love to talk to you in person but i think a meeting would be hard to set up i did arranged the sci-fi channel convention last year but that was just a meeting in a pub*.
*It was a great night and at least two new couples were started and are still together.
a friend of mine used to said the best cure for a cold ws to drink a full bottle of rum then go straight to bed.**
**He also said it didn't work but after a full bottle of rum who cares.

alchoholic drinks

Post 53


P.S. just in case you have not read my homepage im male

alchoholic drinks

Post 54


Hello, MALE TIMELORD smiley - winkeye see...I'm such a flirt! After I posted my last one I wished I could have taken it back! I thought it funny too!
PLEEEEEEEase don't EVEN feel sorry for me! I've had more of a life in my 33 WELL years than most people have their entire lives! smiley - bigeyes I've been ill since 1989 an all the experts said I'd live no longer then the end of 1998...so, you see besides not doing what I'm supossed to,
I've out lived my experation date! So every day is just icing on the cakesmiley - smiley Now there's a drink idea. If someone could come up with booze that tasted like cake....hmmmmsmiley - bigeyes
I haven't read your Home Page yet but promise to! I can just barely get around h2g2...then when I've got it nailed, it changes on me! And
my three month old hunk of plastic (Mac) is much smarter than I!!! Oh
the tech support poeople really earn their pay when I call in!!! And who said you 'have to' be funny all the time?!? I'm just silly by nature! Pour your heart out if you like-many cry in their beer-I believe that's how Lite Beer got it's start smiley - winkeye
I don't think I'll try your friends idea for the cold non-cure...the spins & I don't get along well! YUCK! smiley - sadface
What you organizied sounds really neat! Are you going to do it again?!? I'm sure it would be well received! Take Care! Pan

alchoholic drinks

Post 55


Hi Pandora
Hey I'm really pleased & astounded that I can brighten up anyone's life, especially yours smiley - winkeye
I'm not going to say I understand how you feel - noone can, but I understand a weeny bit about the frustration you must have (I won't go into my little probs. here - sometime I'll do a proper home page!)
Can I just ask one question, if you don't mind? What is the condition you have called?

My other half, Roger's (let's give him a nickname - any ideas?), brother, Roy (OK, I reckon his mum was a fan of a certain someone!), belongs to an amateur dramatic soc. along with his partner, so last night we went to see them in a performance of "Oklahoma" - I reckon it was the best one they've done so far. Anyway, we haven't seen them properly since Christmas, so they gave us our presents!! Rog's was a bottle of 8 year old whisky (now 8 & half years old!!)
Then we won a prize in the raffle, so he went & collected ..... you've guessed it: a bottle of dry white wine & bot of Campari!! It's disgusting, we go out for an evening & come home with 3 bottles!!
When I came home I caught up with your & Timelord's messages - I just wished I lived nearby & could have brought them round to you. I did feel gutted smiley - sadface

I rang Liz tonight, she didn't make it till 5am, but left at 2am from the ball & didn't try the bloody brains - looks like mum will have to fork out for one when she gets back!! She sounded absolutely shattered & may have to sit a "viva" tomorrow - I'll let you know if she does.

Anyway, today I was just a bit achy so decided to take it easy - slept in the morning, then watched TV all afternoon - how terrible! Good TV though: 2 films - Showboat & then Fiddler on the Roof, followed by one of my favourites, Star Trek Voyager (Part 1 of a Borg saga!) The borg knocked most of those wonderful songs out of my head,"thank goodness" Rog implied!!

I really hope your chest cold improves quickly- that's no joke in itself!

Just getting the energy together to begin the hanging & sorting of everyone's paintings on Thursday, before the exhibition begins!!! I do have help though.

If you want to chat anywhere else rather than to this listing then let me know - I think I'm drying up on the alcohol front!

Sweet dreams, or is it morning for you - in that case, have a beautiful day of rainbows without the rain smiley - smiley

alchoholic drinks

Post 56


Hiya' Shirps! How 'bout I start a new spot on my Home Page where we can chat?!?
TIMELORD you're welcome, or I'll keep meeting you here...whatever you
like...I'm easy that waysmiley - winkeye
Shirps, what I have is called (get ready-they say if you can spell it, you MUST have it) Eosiniphiligia-Myalgia-Syndrome (EMS) I was in a wheel chair for a few months-but when the dr's said I was dying, it ticked me off! So...I about killed myself learning to walk againsmiley - winkeye
Last year...way past my experation date-I announced to everyone that I
could climb up the ladder in the deep end of the pool! (no easy task for the strongest fellow-the dang thing is way from the bottom & you really have to pull yourself up!) Everyone politely said,"That's nice." And I saw a look pass between them!!! HA! I swam to the deep end (8') & climbed out like a pro-dove in & did it again! smiley - smiley Wish someone would tell me I "can NEVER make a million dollars" smiley - winkeye

You could always call your hubby Rrrrrrsmiley - winkeye My friend calls hers RF those are the letters to his first & last name-but she has dubbed him:Rat Fink! I'm off to start a chat with me...

alchoholic drinks

Post 57


Hey, they lost my last post again!!!!!!!!! STOP IT PLEASE!!! IT TAKES ALOT OF TIME AND ENERGY TO WRITE THESE POSTS...THANK YOU!!!

Shirps, I'm not going to rewrite everything here AGAIN (IF ANYONE CARES!) So, I've started a chat on my Home Page.

TIMELORD, you're welcome to come home with me, er, to my page smiley - winkeye told you I am a flirt! smiley - bigeyes Or I'll gladly meet you here...what ever your heart desires. AND...I went to your Home Page, were you pulling my leg? The TIMELORD Page I found was empty smiley - sadface HA! If that wasn't your H.P.-where will I find you?!? If It was...nay-nay-nay-nay-nayyyysmiley - winkeye

alchoholic drinks

Post 58


The best way to get to my homepage is click on my name at the top of this message
I know i don't have to be funny all the time but as i live my life by a bad joke* i like to try and be funny as much as posible**and thank you for the invite i will join you on the new chat forum.
I don't think we would be able to do a meeting like the last one as the service we all used was canceled last year but i may be going to london next month and hope to meet 5 or 6 of them again if i do.
*i will tell it when im not quite as tired(just finished work)
**The people that hear my joke do not allways think that they are funny but what the hell i do.

alchoholic drinks

Post 59


Drinks are on me! I left a message for you on your Page smiley - tongueout

alchoholic drinks

Post 60


Virtual drinks on me to everyone reading this!!!
My daughter just rang with the results of her Molecular Cell Biology degree course - she's got a first!!!!!!!!! smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

We're so happy for her!!!!

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