A Conversation for The Quite Interesting Society

QI - Let the rookie win.

Post 161

Taff Agent of kaos

WASPsmiley - erm


WASAsmiley - winkeye

smiley - bat

QI - Let the rookie win.

Post 162

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

*sits down with a pencil and starts scoring*

smiley - biro

QI - Let the rookie win.

Post 163

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

QI - Let the rookie win. smiley - monster

Correct smiley - diva (+3)
Van-Smeiter (141) - "Jedis"

QI Bonus smiley - eureka (+6)

None Awarded.

DGI Bonus smiley - doh (+1)
ReddyFreddy (14) -"Brighton and Hove U.A is quite big."
Vip (12) - "Doing something for the first time"
Vip (20) - "It's a verb"
"Taff (63)- "population"

Klaxon smiley - bluelight(-5)
Vip (4) - "Rollerbladers"
Taff (10) - "Homosexuals"
Hygienic Dispenser (33) - "Demonstrations / Political rallies"
Honest Iago (34) - "students"
Taff (65) - "Teachers / Dons"
Taff (86) - "foreigners"
Taff (86) - "National Front/ Nazis etc"
Taff (137) - Old People

Elf Bonus smiley - elf (+2)
Clive +2

Van -Smeiter gets to kiss his own sister and have no one think it's weird or anything smiley - smooch +3
Taking over the Imperial Senate through stealth and cunning - it's er... me (!) your QI Sith Lord smiley - evilgrin on +2.
Reddy Freddy has the keys to the Millennium Falcon and a wookie to snuggle with smiley - cuddle: A respectable +1
And a welcome return to form for the King of the klaxons (pebbledrook take note) A room with a view - on board The Death Star smiley - disco - for our loser Taff, The Grand Moff Tarkin smiley - senior of QI with -24.

Total to be added or subtracted.
1 x Correct = +3
Total +3

1x Elf = +2
Total +2

Reddy Freddy
1 x DGI = +1
Total +1

Hygienic Dispenser
1 x smiley - bluelight
Total -5

Honest Iago
1x smiley - bluelight

1 x smiley - bluelight -5
2 x DGI +1
Total -4

5 x smiley - bluelight -25
1 x DGI +1
Total -24

QI - Let the rookie win.

Post 164


Ooops, not quite Clive - I make (-5 +1 +1) = -3, not -4.

Worse luck, Taff.

smiley - fairy

QI - Let the rookie win.

Post 165

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Oh Shitake mushrooms.

Yes. Good spot.

QI - Let the rookie win.

Post 166

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Bob's been notified. smiley - ok

I remember I put down that you had 1 DGI then caught myself and amended it to 2, but forgot to change the solution. smiley - doh

QI - Let the rookie win.

Post 167


Out of interest, Clive, would I have got more points if I'd expanded on Jedi/census and/or quoted large chunks of A New Hope? It is a serious question and not just because I want to get more points to get more prizes.

And what do points mean?


QI - Let the rookie win.

Post 168

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

>Would I have got more points if I'd expanded on Jedi/census and/or quoted large chunks of A New Hope?<


The correct answer in this case was fairly binary, the first mention of Jedi was sufficient (the actual answer - the verb, as Vip pointed out - was declaring yourself to be a Jedi) but that would have been nitpicking on my part. My recent icebergs QI ("Humbug") had multiple correct answers, and some poeple scored more than once in the same category: icebergs, algae, and the business with the match. So different questions work differently.

>what do points mean?

smiley - zen They can mean everything or nothing. smiley - zen

Seriously, it's so things don't get too silly (- 10000 for that etc): they are standardised. It's a way of rewarding and encouraging participation. They put some teeth behind the ideas of being Quite Interesting and NOT being OBVIOUS. The elf bonus is there to encourage people to start QI forums; the DGI to reward reasonable good guesses. To some people having the most QI bonuses or (apropos Taff) a triple digit negative score can be badges of character and pride. To others they are of trivial unimportance and detract from the pure pursuit of the love of knowledge.

I think, they are there, and you decide your own level of engagement. smiley - ok

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