A Conversation for Red Dwarf - The TV Series

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 1


...as it was abysmal. The seventh was stretching things a little. Two to four are the best, five and six tolerable. It doesn't matter how funny the first was as it needs to be watched to establish what's going on and why the original start sequence was the best.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 2


I thought it was all right. I liked the potato peeling episode.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 3


I actually thought this series was an improvement on the last couple. Still, the earlier ones were the best. smiley - smiley

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 4


They've knackered the begninning on the first series, though. When they repeated it recently they'd stuck tghe new, crap theme music on. Swine.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 5


Although I haven't seen the whole 8th series... (Here in the states it's hard to get.) I must say that it has some really great moments... like the incident with Rimmer and the sexual magnetisim virus. Or the bit with Rimmer and Kochanski in "Cassandra".

Just my two cents.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 6


Have you read the books? The last series seemed to pick bits of dialogue at random from them and give each a scene to itself, suggesting that they;re not bothering to try and write stuff properly any more.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 7


I have indeed read the books, the last two (Which I ordered at great expense from Amazon.co.uk since they were never published in the states.) were not as good as the first two... As for the writing, I agreee that the quality has gone downhill in the last couple of series, but the show is still funnier than of the crap the teevee persons here in the states are putting on! The only intellegent semi-original programming here has come from the mind of JM... oh hell I'm off topic. Let me just say that i'll take flawed red dwarf over 'Must See TV' any thursday.


And I'll cover that jay emm person in another post

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 8


I liked the 8th more than 7th but the others are better. Don't forget, Doug is now doing this on his lonesome or with one or two other dudes, they don't match up to the heavenly pairing of the Comedy Boot Boys. Heh.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 9


As a student doing maths, the "harder than a quadratic equation" line was funny and made a few people crack up during mid-years.

There were also a LOT of inconsistencies too. Like the Captain said he was going to the hole for 12 months and there he was next epp!!

Here's a question;

In the potato peeling double epp, how many times did Lister and Rimmer get marched into the Captain's office? (and no cheating and going back to your vids!!)

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 10

Researcher 53809

Inconsistencies? Boy, Red Dwarf is littered with them. One
I find somewhat unsettling is this: In the first season,
Lister admits to Rimmer that he didn't have a sexual
relationship with Kochanski (When Rimmer took on her form
to fool him), but in the seventh season,
the show says he did! Rrghh.. I wish they'd at least keep
track of what they say. And did you see the last episode
of Season 8? Boy, was THAT messed up! How they're going to
connect this with any sort of previous conceptions of
reality, I don't know, and I'm starting to not care.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 11


What about all the shit when people were appearing from the future wearing moustaches and saying "I'm the Rimmer from the other other future after Lister (with the beard) and Kochanski were married" when lister appeared at a hotel somewhere to find his future self and Kochanskiin the bridal (groomal?) suite? At least Lucas realises that R2 and 3PO need to have some sort of memory wipe in one of the next two episodes. If Naylor realised that he could follow one of the suggested storylines from the earlier series rather than trying to invent new ones it might have been better.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 12

Hatman ACE

Eww. eigth series**spit hack**. that was really bad.
The best were 4,5 and 6 where it was as much an action sci-fi as a comedy, three was ok for the same reasoon, but not as so. the first two were just old and not very funny,probably still trying to find its footing, but 7 and eight are just bad (though eight especially).
As for a film?, get out while you still can guys, don't tarnish the memories!

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 13

fred the fish

The eigth is a big pile of poo that has not been edited in the slightest whereas all the others where good. Do not watch it or it may put you off Red Dwarf for life. Instead go out and treat yourself to the series five videos.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 14

Hatman ACE

Despite the 8th series faecal status, it is a quite impressive display of cheap computer graphics and how the BBC can do good special effects. A new series of Dr. Who looms methinks.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 15

Mrgrunt (With the Beard of Power!)

What should be done in the next series is to eliminate the crew again, get it back to basics, just Lister, Krytie, Cat and Rimmer ripping the piss out of each other.
All the Nanobot crap is wearing thin as well:
RIMMER:"Oh no, somethings gone wrong"
Kryten:"It's those nanobots, don't worry they'll sort the ending out for us"

Not the rat!

Post 16

Blue Sky

Seeing eight made me realise just how good series seven actually was. I mean, VII had loads of absolutely brilliant bits. The James Bond/Ace Rimmer scene, the Rimmer Munchkin song, the "I saud Supper was Ready!" scene, and I believe that the last two eps were some of the best ever. Really, I suppose, in eight they tried to go back to the series III more sort of visual slapstick type of jokes which it had evolved out of. So saying, it was nice to see some of the old crew back again, though I feel sorry for Doug as only two of the episodes actually came out the way he wanted them. In case you didn't know, the first episode was going to be an hour long special but had to be split up, Pete was going to be a single episode but had to be stretched out into two when the final episode of the series (called Earth, which would have been the second part of Only the Good...) was cancelled after the fantastic ending scene of Red Dwarf crash landing on Earth after recieveing energy from the parallel universe had to be dropped after they discovered it would have cost £100,000 to shoot. Yes, a hundred thousand smackaroonies. Oh - and Ace Rimmer was going to turn up to save Rimmer at the end (which was originally going to be in the film) but they thought that the Grim Reaper scene was funnier, on the spur of the moment. So. No I've finished...

Not the rat!

Post 17

Seagull's Lost Horizon

many many moons ago(1988-89), I discovered that a friend of mine at school (Kieth), watched the same programe as me since the beggining, I would go into school and he would say did you see Red Dwarf?, yeah, good wasn't it, yeah, some time later more people watched it and also another friend of mine justin, I would go into school and see justin and he would say did you see Red Dwarf?, yeah, good wasn't it, yeah, I would then see kieth and he would say did you see Red Dwarf?, yeah, crap wasn't it, yeah,.

I hated series six but liked it to seven and then to and eight I've only seen 7&8 twice.

8 screwed the whole series up to many people too many crap effects it might look good but not real and the end sent the whole series up
-I liked the books

Not the rat!

Post 18


Am I the only one that liked the first two seasons -- I think it is some of the best work ever done by any actors anywhere. (Too bad even the actors hate those ones)

I liked the 8th too ... It was good to shake the series up, and I quite liked how they switched it from Star Trekish (doesnt matter the episode order)
to Babylon 5ish (underlying plot that devellops from episode to episode)

ANd you have to admit, bad as some bits were -- the the Rat-assed line makes up for all of it. Not to mention the 'Sick Bags on Standby' sign.

~Beeblefish smiley - fish

Is there any new news on the movie?

Not the movie!

Post 19

Blue Sky

All I know movie wise is that filming will (has) begin (begun) this spring, and there will be no more series after it, though if it is successful then more films will follow.
Ace Rimmer will probably turn up at the start to rescue them all, and they will probably get back to Earth (which was supposed to happen at the end of series eight - see my previous post for more details) in a fantastic CGi scene dropped from VIII because it was too expensive. Then? Smeg knows...

Not the movie!

Post 20

Mrgrunt (With the Beard of Power!)

Is it still the original cast in the movie? 'cos from what i've heard they are gonna get american actors to do it. An american Lister?

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