Introduction to Moi

Hi. I'm Hannannah Astra. I live in a non-offensive town called Winchester, in Hampshire. I am partial to curry, films, books, music, the net and tennis. I spend far too much money on all these hobbies. I do not smoke, do drugs or any of that crap and I am nice to everyone unless they really bend a prawn at me. My friends call me, variously and in no particular order, Little Miss Wise, Brainy, Hannannah and Brian. My real name is Hannah, which is quite boring when one thinks about it. I am 15 and I act about 20 most of the time, although I don't mean to. I don't like sportswear as casual wear, ie football tops and short skirts are not my cup o'tea. I much prefer flares of the massive variety and t-shirts with Hong Kong Phooey or Mutley on them. I once had purple hair. I wear glasses, square, and I actually always carry a towel. I am allergic to most things - dust, animals, feathers and pretty much any kind of pollen you care to name. Music-wise, I like everything from Rachmaninoff through Space to Smashmouth, Green Day and Nirvana. That doesn't include stuff like S Club 7 and Billie because, no offence, the use of a few simple chords and light harmony doesn't detract from the fact that the tune and lyrics, nine times out of ten, suck.

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Wow! Jul 25, 1999


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