A Conversation for The H2G2 University Of Mice

Foreign Exchange Students

Post 1


Good Afternoon, Please let me extend to you my Letters of Accreditation (Duly Signeted).smiley - biggrin I AM KITTYKAT smiley - blackcat and I recently arrived here at this highly esteemed hotbed of academia. smiley - ok How ecumenical are you? How open-door is your policy to someone a tad different in appearance but superbly pure of heartfelt lofty intentions smiley - zen? I mean you no harm - only the opportunity to evolve into a higher plane of understanding concerning the other life forms on this planet smiley - earth. Would you be willing to take a chance? smiley - smiley Of course, I would certainly do everything within my power to pass the gruesome exams that all who dare to apply must surely have to undergo. smiley - yuk Or perhaps my beneficent aura will carry the day! smiley - winkeye Waiting on padded tip-toes for your reply smiley - bigeyessmiley - fullmoonsmiley - smiley KAT

Foreign Exchange Students

Post 2

Shea the Sarcastic

::: puts bell around smiley - cat's neck smiley - run :::

Foreign Exchange Students

Post 3


My DEAR, Surely someone of your exulted station, highly cerebrally endowed ( I heard you are a Charter Member of the Most Magnificent Mensa Minority ) would innately recognize an entity who approaches with a paw outstetched ( and claws inordinately withdrawn) in total friendship! smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon KAT

Foreign Exchange Students

Post 4

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

There is already a precedent - Pheloxi the Cat is after all an honourary mouse.....

I'm sure we could entertain an exchange program to foster interspecies harmony...

::squeaks:: and runs away.....

Foreign Exchange Students

Post 5

Shea the Sarcastic

::: peeks back in, whiskers quivering :::

Foreign Exchange Students

Post 6

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

::Brokkian Ultra Krikkit Bat at the ready::

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