This is the Message Centre for Peta

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 21

Mark Pettifer

The Prof's -

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 22

John R

'We want people to know that they are staff, and have a strong understanding/knowledge of the subject area...'

Site-Mavens ?
Know-Somethings ?

Parapro ?
Coadjutor ?
Galvaniser ?


Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 23

Mark Pettifer

Cyber Sorce - Thought Police - Keypad -

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 24

Mark Pettifer

THe Boss - Bosses - gaffa - Top Chair -

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 25

Zak T Duck

Quite simply, Mentors. It sums up all those categories Peta mentioned and then some, without being over the top or anything.

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 26

Mark Pettifer

yep. I think that one - Guru's - Help squad - Titchmarch's Folk

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 27


I think a one-word name or phrase would be best.

I know it's a bit weird, but going along the lines of the conversation-starting role, how about "dynamo"? Dynamos add a spark of energy but keep going with the momentum.

I also like Croz's 'mentors'.

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 28

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Well, how about taking one of the words from the last posting and just have 'Sparks'? Just the thing to get a fire going...

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 29

Mark Pettifer

Sparks is a great name

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 30


The Discussion Divas

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 31

Mark Pettifer

Dangly Doers

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 32

Mark Pettifer

The Club - The Firm

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 33

Mark Pettifer


Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 34

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Backroom Boys (sexist, I know)

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 35

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit searching for the election list
"Wow, loads of wonderfull names When doe sthe election start?

Clever Advisors
Content Jockeys"

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 36


Shouldn't it be something that 'does what it says on the tin'? Messageboard members have a lot of trouble working out there is a difference between hosts and moderators, because of the way that things work now. Something simple -

*name of messageboard* Team Member?
*name of messageboard* Community Guru?
*name of messageboard* Expert?

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 37

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Astute, as always, Mina. smiley - smiley

How about 'xxx In Residence'? Such as 'Gardener In Residence' or 'Artist In Residence'? But that would mean you couldn't have the same name across all boards. Unfortunately, 'Guru' is already taken. How about 'Pundit'? Or 'Savant'?

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 38

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

If you call them 'Savants', they'll very quickly get nicknamed 'idiots'...

'xxx in residence' works fine for some boards, but they'll be some from the syntax will get pretty tortured. What about the cult boards, for instance 'Cultist in residence' does not sound like the sort of thing the BBC ought to be encouraging.

smiley - ale

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 39

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

- Field (Source) Experts
- Brains on Hands on (any Matter).
- Handy Brainiacs.

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 40

Zak T Duck


So you've got the Cult bods, the News bods, the Gardening bods, the Tech bods, and so on. It sounds like they're just like everyone else but still know their stuff

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